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Let's get weird.

21 Replies

What's one thing you want to be without this year?

You know those individuals that claim they are trying in friendships when they could be trying way harder than they think? Yeah, I think I'm going to have to go with that. I'm just tired of the excuses. It gets tiring to be giving your all in something... and there's zero mutuality. Don't go making excuses, and then form other friendships. Don't go making time for others when you won't even do that for the friends you already have. It's just flat out shtty. I only ask two things from people and that's mutuality and respect. Learn of it.

AmbreHeard replied 2977 days ago

I love this man so much, I swear.

AmbreHeard replied 2977 days ago

Which word have you started using a lot lately ?

Messy. I'm actually thinking starting a hashtag dedicated to yours truly, @MragotRobbie.

AmbreHeard replied 2977 days ago

Put that d in me and slap my A$$, daddy

...Literally me at Chris Evans.

AmbreHeard replied 2977 days ago

Have my babies.

Chris Evans is that you?

AmbreHeard replied 2977 days ago 1

Chris Evans or Phoebe Tonkin.

I... am conflicted. Phoebe. Don't look at me.

AmbreHeard replied 2977 days ago 1

How do you feel about riding?

Everyone needs a hobby.

AmbreHeard replied 2977 days ago

Christopher Robert Evans

Don't. I can't stress my love for this man.

AmbreHeard replied 2979 days ago

How much do you love Jade?

Jade is such a cutie pie. I love her. Meeting her was such a highlight to 2016.. she's the kind of friend where if you're going through something...anything... she'll try and support you in whatever way she can. She's sweet, smart, beautiful and someone I admire. Definitely one of my good friends, and anyone would be fortunate enough to have her in their life if not already.

AmbreHeard replied 2979 days ago

What is one thing you're looking forward to?

Sitting back and allow life to happen naturally for once. Everything has a purpose for it's occurrence, no? Oh, and hopefully get Chris Evans to notice and love me.

AmbreHeard replied 2979 days ago

If you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber

Keep this up, and I'll have to smother you in love.

AmbreHeard replied 2979 days ago

Is it tiring being perfect af?

I was just about to ask you same question, anon.

AmbreHeard replied 2979 days ago

How was your day?

I would say exceptionally well, thank you. Lots of running around. Hopefully, you had an amazing one, also?

AmbreHeard replied 2979 days ago

What's your favorite color?

Lately, I have had a strange love for the color blue... Green is my all time favorite.

AmbreHeard replied 2979 days ago

If you could have dinner with any 5 people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

Oh, Jesus.. Let's see..

Vincent Van Gogh (deceased)

14th Dalai Lama (alive)

Albert Einstein (deceased)

Lady Gaga (alive)

Frank Sinatra (deceased)

It was so hard to narrow this list down, and to keep to the point.. I look up to each and every single one of these people and if I were to type out reasons.. I would be here all night. I'd love to answer this question with all my heart, though. Message me and maybe we can talk more? I'd love that.

AmbreHeard replied 2979 days ago