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Ask me anything you like anonymously

132 Replies

Tbh I'm not a big fan of you but it is pretty mean what some of these people on your qooh me r saying just wanna make sure ur okay

Yeah I'm fine ahah x

Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3047 days ago

Do you think your hot? Do you think you are cool cause you have a gap in your teeth? (Cause your not) Do you realise how ugly you are?

No I don't actually at least I'm prettier then u and I'm getting the gap fixed retard

Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3047 days ago

What makes you happy to be alive?

Fam and friends?

Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3047 days ago

Leave Amelia alone plz?


Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3049 days ago

Have you ever been friends with Hilary?


Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3049 days ago

You have the biggest bags under your eyes. Do you get enough sleep

Go to spec savers

Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3050 days ago

You have the biggest bags under your eyes. Do you get enough sleep

No u must just be blind

Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3050 days ago

You have the biggest bags under your eyes. Do you get enough sleep

I sleep more without you annoying me

Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3050 days ago


Hey x

Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3050 days ago

Ur finger is that bent from being on ur phone all day. Just stop. U post too much. Yes I no it's a second account and you spam the sht out of it but you need to get outside or get off the internet

Wth r u on? my finger isn't bent and i haven't even been on my phone I've been at a dance exam for a couple of hours and it's too cold outside and ur not my mum

Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3050 days ago

Then if we can't get guys how the fck are we ****s

Ever heard of sion are sion ****s sale collage are sale collage scums and grammar are grammar grots?

Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3050 days ago

I've been going through your qooh me and may u please stop saying we r sion s***s and also stop blaming it on Ella Allman for saying it. Jemimah.coleman


Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3050 days ago

Don't you ever say that most of us pple at sion are slts when your the one posting pics of your belly all over the Internet. Like all them pple you said were your friends at sion actually aren't, just warning u so I wouldn't go moving to sion any time soon.

HAHA ur making me lol I've only posted TWO belly pics on the Internet out of 744 posts must be blind? Idc of if they aren't my friends and I'm not moving to sion whoever said that is a prick cos I would never move there

Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3050 days ago

yeah u know what we are sion slts and u know u have to actually be able to get guys to be a bloody slt, unlike you who defines grammar grot

But u can't get any guys for sht? do I look like I care if I get called a grammar grot lol

Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3050 days ago

And you look absolutely nothing like miles Cyrus stop posting pics thinking you do I think your friends r just trying to be nice

I don't wanna look like miley Cyrus? HAHA I never said I looked like miley Cyrus? At least I have friends

Amelia.lazzaro_ replied 3050 days ago