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Amelia Veary


57 Replies

What are you sick and tired of?

I'm sick and tired of these never ending exams, and privileged people complaining about what they think they don't have.

AmeliaVeary replied 3015 days ago

A lie you told today?

i like pie

AmeliaVeary replied 4115 days ago

guys didnt you hear the teacher say today to not make false accusations and its none of your business

lets hope they listen to you because they aint listening to me

AmeliaVeary replied 4141 days ago

guys please stop being mean to poor amelia, shes also got things going on in her life, and how do you even know she told about dakota? you dont know anything, so you dont need to be so mean to her, and what your sending you probably wont have the guts to say!

thank you, i wish everyone would be understanding, and dont just start making accusations when they only hear one part of the story ;( because do people who are bullying even know how much you hurt me when you say these things. and it wasnt even anyone in the class who told the teacher so please dont blame me, and please dont bully me because you only heard one part of a story and started making false accusations

AmeliaVeary replied 4141 days ago

All you *****es need to back off and go back to where you belong...deep down under where I like to call hell :) do you honestly think that calling Amelia things will make you more pops ? No ,so leave her alone ;)
-Hannah xxx Hf2001

thanks so much hannah! xx i know! and it wasnt even anybody in the class who told mrs W so i dont know why everyone is blaming me :( but they dont know the story so they have no right to bully me! thanks hannah :) xx love you

AmeliaVeary replied 4141 days ago

A person you lost you would like to see again?

my grandfather because at times like these where people are blaming nme for everything he woul comfort me

AmeliaVeary replied 4141 days ago

why the **** did you tell on Dakota it wasn't your story to tell next time keep you blowhole shut.sorry for being mean but that's what you get nobody will be able to trust you after this you have serious issues sort them out


AmeliaVeary replied 4141 days ago

I cant believe u!! Ur are such a spiteful little *****!!! U told about Dakota!! do u have no spine!! that was so low.

i didnt tell anyone about dakota... so why you being so mean to me, and rather come talk to me to my face will you?

AmeliaVeary replied 4141 days ago

Best advice you received about relationships?

i havent recieved any advice about relationships

AmeliaVeary replied 4143 days ago

Hey Amelia.....who is being mean to you!!!Tell them I will beat them up!!!
From Camryns friend

thanks camryns friend.... but im not sure is was sending me those qoohs! but thanks for sticking up for me anyway :D

AmeliaVeary replied 4143 days ago

What happens when we die?

i dont know... i guess that those who believe will go on into another life in heaven but those who dont, live a happy life in the ground

AmeliaVeary replied 4148 days ago 1

Who is ur best friend??? :/

i dont have best friends, but a really close friend that iv known for ages and is my neighbour is Camryn Lamont

AmeliaVeary replied 4151 days ago 1

haha you act all tough over technology but honestly your a coward

do you honestly think its fun to make my life a living hell? you made me cry myself to sleep every night, so thanks for that and next time think before you say anything

AmeliaVeary replied 4155 days ago

***** if ur just ganna ***** 2 everyone then **** off like the wannabe u are

im a wonna be? more like i appreciate the good things in others, and would like to be like them, and by the way, i bet you, you wouldnt want to say the things you said now, to my face, so i have a challenge for you, say it to my face will you?

AmeliaVeary replied 4155 days ago


what the hell, if you want to talk to me rather bbm me

AmeliaVeary replied 4155 days ago