How many times did u sleep with a guy
ask my exs
Whats the biggest di*k uv seen
My boyfriend
With how many guys did you sleep with
You gorgeous! ???? Are you single?
Thanks hun
When was the first time you allowed your legs to be opened for a guy?
Amiee my $exy btch when u wanna link again and let me cream pie that proper tight ***** again
and you are
Have you ever had $ex outside? Jonnywardy
ye with my ex
Your man lucky guy
You look amazing with black hair
I really dont
Naked or underwear
You aint going to find that out
You look better with black hair
nσ i dσnt
watch out behind you its a wall
No ítѕ not
Would you play a tickle game
Do you really love Andy
Yes !!
Do you actually love Andy
чєѕ í dσ !!
Amiwe don't let anyone bring you down
Awwe thanks
Have you had a fck buddy?
I heard your a k**ky lil minx is that true ? ;)
Who ever says that anymore ?
Can we be fck buddys ?
Can i see thm red ?
No plus I got no clue who you are
Should be $exyy amieee not aimee jamie
Thanks I guess
Do ya have pretty feet an wat colours do ya paint ya toes
Red atm
Don’t let anyone get to you you’re a strong lass
Thankyou ?
Have you got tasha on bbm
Which tasha
Your so beautiful
Thanks hun
Your amazing sis
Thanks sis pop up when you can ?
I've never stopped loving you
It would help if I knew who send this
Message if u want
Pop up then ?
Rate me out of 10
It help if it said who
Sis your beautiful don’t let any one tell you different ?
Thanks sis your the best ?
Do u like me
Your alright hun ?
Do u want me to pop up on bbm beautiful xx
I know who ??
Have you ever experienced someone dragging their fingernails along your bare soles when you weren’t expecting it? Or seen it happen to someone else?
Nope ?
Do u now who this is x
What would you say are probably the main ticklish spots on a typical kid? If you had to guess the most common ones
the sides
Would you ever mas******* in public Stixmad8
amiee your the most beautiful girl ive met
aww thanks
What should people stop buying?
Not sure
Why add me u fcking ****
Aww thankyou so much
What makes you happy?
Seeing that one person
Everywhere on bbm some1 got something about u are a **** they keep bcing ur mobile number and pin and saying u a *****
Not my number you on about that 17 year old they are blasting how childish can they be
Do you have Skype and can I add you on there
Are u single now
Yea been single for a few days
Why do people have naked videos of u getting fcked
They ain't me people trying to cause sht cos they are childish
As if you ran back to spazzy rob ??ya unloyal hoe what the pics and vids get sent to ur mum
I ain't with rob I'm single you say I'm unloyal less I don't fck relationships and make fake chats childish ****
Would you do a very $exy pic
Who do u dream of getting back together with?????
There's one person and he knows Who he is
Hear for u if need u need a chat hun
Thanks hun
Whats ur Snapchat
Pop up and ask
I love you legendary queen ??
I love you more my handsome king ????
So glad to see you happy I'm always here if you need me
Thanks hun ?
Hope u are okay sorry if I let u down Telboy91
I'm ok thanks
What is the smartest thing you've ever done?
Got out of bed ??
Well you blatantly both like each other so why dont one of you ask the question
Why you care for plus it ain't your life your getting involved in. If me and Ryan gets together it will happen in its own time
Has Ryan ask how he fill about u
Well u and ryan should get it on
Why that
So are you and ryan gunna get it on or not
Not sure
Amiee you beautiful girl never let them haters bring you down btw guess who ?x
Aww thanks and Ryan
What are you sick of trying to explain to people?
Explaining myself
Take that as an yeah you do like ryan well go get him
Why who are you
Do you fancy ryan
No comment
So what did ryan say x
Pop up and I'll tell you x
Ask him about it?
I have ?
Yeah he does x
I don't know he haven't said to me x
InstA name?
Pop up and ask it
I hear ryan likes you ?x
Does he ?x
Get them boo*s out $exy ;)
Stop beggin me den
I ain't begging no one
Amiee ou $exy arse ting x
Am I ?x
You R desperate
Nope don't need a man in my life
Your ugly as fck can you be so dumb to think these questions are people who like you your just being used as a spunkbucket
Ain't fcking anyone
No condom then?
Why do you care for
Was it any good the last time u had $ex? did he make u ***?
None of your business what it was like between me and my ex no one else
How long Is the biggest dck uv fcked???
Ask my exs for they're sizes
ever had a some?
Ain't interested in them