Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I don't date?
I wish I was ,thank you ?
Don't believe it those
Nokia blokie
If you tell me who you are I'll give you a reason bc I've been distant from alot of people lately
It says ask or tell my something not send emojis ?
??idek basically I'm not interested unless you Justin bieber or something
A alien I found on Mars .
And I would like a million dollars
So kwaai? Idk it's natural
No for the millionth time .
None of your business
Don't give my number to strangers, sorry man
Got my eyes on one person only ?
Specs doesn't classify you as a nerd?
Tell meeeeh
I don't hang with strangers
You should become a comedian
Iqraam nolan
I like noone
His name is Noone?
I honestly don't know
as a friend yes .
Ammmaarah Sydow
Love you too
You such a copy catter
He died
janazah will be @ 6
laugh out loud
you just made my day!
Thank you /shukraan .I need more people in my life like you!
Do you do anything else other than be a total poes?
my dear. I've had many people telling me I'm not right in my head ,and it really doest offend me I am perfectly normal unlike you lowlife creep .You have nothing to do with your life ,so you decided to pop in my qooh's and ruin my day .Oh hell no baby girl,you can go play with your toes but sorry you do NOT phase me !❤?
no i do not have a boyfriend .
and I like it that way ?
You talking to the mirror perhaps?
okay I'll be cold then.
single (forever)
huh no.
absolutely none
cause I'm ugluuuurrr
physco *?
I get some tips from the one amd only asma sydow and I watch tutorials ?
it's allll me
Fatima Salie
like infinity and beyond❤
I'm not understanding the question.
but I only wear makeup on special occasions.
Can't complain ?❤
Lmk ?K
lol yes it was?
if sleeping doesn't count then basically
They are the only reason why I go to school
lmk?he stopped
maybru you already kak irritating with this qooh's.
stop it mahn, and no I dont wanna unblock you cause you naai annoying .Get it in your kop
oh ?I really don't even care
I don't vang, but anyways
if you have a problem,just tell me without being anonymous kanalah.
I missed it?
FYI it's Taybah
more like sister .
how so
how would you know ?
okay I'll take that advise ??
yes i admit that I'm childish, meaning I dont keep me too big for my boots at the age of 13.
I dont tickle anyone so i wouldn't know
too cool for school my nig?
what u talkin' here .
are you sure you talking about the right taybah
cause damn the taybah I know doesn't keep her like the "laanie " ,she if the laanie .
and if you telling me this I'm sure you can tell her too
,then we'll see who's still so sterk berk?
exactly ??
my friends?.they are the realist people I know even tho I only know them for a short while .
Idk what's your problem
but I don't think you should judge unless you know what going on in my life.
if you do truly know me you should know me better .
yah why ?
idc it's interesting
that's my nammmmeee
so are you ?
I'm sorry that you think that but Idk eveyone thinks different. and honestly idec.
dm me please .
Do you think there's another Ammaarah Sydow out there?
there's only one me ,why would I want to copy everyone if everyone is unique
use your brain
Whoever this is
you are the description of a dom nai
I hear your mommy give b*** j**s for 50c.
you funny bunny