Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Reading in the comments or anywhere else about people putting down others~
I'm scared of losing someone
thank you...recently on my holiday in Thailand,I've been enjoying being myself with no worries so I'll be doing as that just being me~anyway thanks for the concern and sweet message ???
awwww I nogals love you too?❤️???
sorry mahn,next time but I'm missing you???
since playing hockey?,I get injured A LOT...Accident prone ?? and I can ice skate on thin frozen water ❄️But I can barely walk properly on concrete floor(not all the time)?? according to my ice skating coach???❄️⛸
because I love emojis ?and sometimes I can't get out what I want to say? so I improvise with emojis
voetsek ???
Aww,and you're so sweet?
thank you ?☺️????
thank you ???my sister actually gave gave my name?
?no sorry
not being themselves~acting fake ??
no one rn~ ?I'm in a positive mood at the moment ? hope that was a good enough answer-even if it didn't answer your question ??????????????
nothing really ~ but that I have amazing friends and family ??❤️
Dm me and we can plot everything /bullet point - so I can write it ?????
to be the best me,have fun & to make memories everyday (family,friends,everyone)??✨???
thank you so much ✨✨??❤️
Hi beautiful tessabel✨????