Anastasia Douibouii
I wish I had as much money as your fam does💔
Idk how to answer this
I saw you at the mall today!
You didn't come greet?
Everyone was talking about that fight you were in at the clib
I saw you lose your sht on a girl in the club a few weeks ago, why?
She was being extremely disrespectful towards Mason and then threw her drink, and I got wet, so I wasn't having it.
I saw you driving yesterday, you looked cute
Thank you❤️
why are you always in South Africa ?
Cause I love the country
how come you come to South Africa so much ??
I love the country 😍
are you South African in any way ?
Are you single cause I think I can rock your world and can I have your #
Haha lol
I really miss our chats and I'm sad that we actually stopped talking due to petty sht
Pls DM me. Xx
So fcken gorgeee???
Are you trash?
Cause I wanna take you out?
You’re literally perfection????
Thank youuuu?❤️
You look like Khaleesi❤️?
I get that a lot?
You are honestly so gorgeous ??❤️
Thank you sm!
Can I have your number?
DM me on Instagram
Are you vibing with anyone currently?
I think so??
Wish I was youuu
Sweet. X?
gorgeous ❤️❤️???
Thank youuu
Have you ever been in a situation where you drank heaps of water/soda expecting to spend the day at home, and your parents unexpectedly made you go out with them?
You make my dck hard
How's your sister???
You and you family are goallsss??
Thank youuuuuuu❤️
Your mom should dress her age. Yes she has a fcken amazing body, but she should dress her age. She's not 25, she can't be wearing brands and sht 24/7
Wait, so just cause she's not young it means she can't wear brands? I'm confused ?
You're so pretty, yet you're so nice to everyone and not mean. And most pretty girls sleep around. You dontt
Thank you.
Btw, not all pretty girls sleep around, that's very idiotic of you to say.
Your mom is hot
I know??? thank you btw
All the guys in my class keep talking about you, they all want youuu???
Lol, where do you school?
You act like you don't have a bf because no guy is good enough for you. We all know you ruined your reputation with guys cause you slept around.
Hunny I don't have a boyfriend because I choose not too? I could get a boyfriend tomorrow if I wanted.
When was I ever "sleeping around" ?
Why don't you have a manz?
Idk. Not interested in anyone rn.
Single or taken?
Single xx
I wish my gf was as pretty as youuu
You are a goddess❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️❤️?❤️❤️??????
Thank you sm!!! Xx?
I wish you were mine
Wish harder
You are like so fcken beautiful!!!!!!
Thank you so much ?❤️❤️ I appreciate it xx
I wish I looked like youuu
That's not good.
But thanks x
How was Thailand????
Are you back in France??? Cause I swear I saw you
Yea I am
Rate yourself
Hottest girl in NY by FARRRR
You blinddddddd.
But thanks ❤️
Would you say you're ready for a long term relationship?
I've DMd you sooooo Manny times, but you don't reply
Screenshot this and DM me
Do you just date black guys and go for black guys for attention?
I don't JUST date black guys.
I date guys who treat me like a queen, and if he happens to be black or white or Asian, then imma still go for it.
You love attention, smh
Everyone does
You love leading guys on, them breaking their hearts
Nope. I'm just really friendly, if I talk to a guy and he catches, that's not my story. I'll tell them straight
Why are you so perfect??
?ask God
Jerk it off?
Now throw that down down on the ground?
You are such a bully. You think you're better than everyone cause you're pretty and have money.
I don't actually
You're soooo $exyyyy
Can I DM you?
You can try
If I shoot my shot will I miss?
You can attempt and see
? at least there are bathrooms at the mall
Lmao?? you kill.
DM me on IG.
Since you were the most popular girl in high school. Do you think your sister will get that fame too?
I wouldn't say I was most popular. And my sister is MAD young. So idk
You're like a goddess, you should be praised
Thank you you❤️
? lol where did they make you go with them?
To the mall?
You're like the richest and prettiest girl in France
Lol I'm not??
Why are you single?
Men s*ck
Your parents bought you 3 cars, but you don't even have your license. Wtf
I can still drive tho
Have you ever been in a situation where you drank lots of water/soda expecting to spend the day at home, and your parents unexpectedly made you go out with them?
Surprisingly yes?
So beautiful ?????
Thank youuu
Hello gorgous
Hello person ?
Wow?? you are a stunner!!
Are you done being a **** now?
Nah not yet
Idk how someone can be so beautiful ??
How does it feel being rich and having everything handed to you? Most of us work hard for money to get the things we want, you just use daddy's money
My parents might have given me most of the things I had, but I worked hard for them, I didn't just get them. So sit down sis
Where are you traveling to this year?
Not sure yet ?
You're such a role model❤️
Thanks. Xx❤️
If you ever come to Namibia, you'll prolly be with those jittas and gees who think they're better than everyone. The rich hot kids
U enjoying Thailand?
You soooo beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Thank youu
You had so many boyfriends in 2018. Wow
True you made out with that black guy???
Lol, which one?
You and your friends are goallllssss
Thank youu
Did you go to high school in Durban ?