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Andile Qozana


Ask me anything you like, I MEAN ANYTHING:P

56 Replies

wat wld I hav 2 do 2 make u leav ur gf?

I wouldnt leave could bide your time and hope she dumps me though....

AndiQ replied 4891 days ago

most painful moment? be it emotional or physical.

Death of my gran

AndiQ replied 4891 days ago

wat does 'LOVE' mean to u?

Being willing to die for someone/something

AndiQ replied 4905 days ago 1

Has anyone told u u have a white nose #justwondering#

Lmao!!!! As in a white persons nose??? Lmao, if someone told me that I'd tell em they've got White Nose from all the coke they lol ya neh....

AndiQ replied 4907 days ago

You have a chick so telling you who I am won't help with anything or am I wrong?

Lol, I'm not sure how she fits into this but you asked me a question, one I cannot answer without your you're pretty sure of yourself if you think me knowing your name will make me want you...

AndiQ replied 4915 days ago

Marry me? :-)

Lol you must not have been following Ingrado, no!!! Lol

AndiQ replied 4915 days ago

Can I get a kiss?

Try taking one and see.

AndiQ replied 4916 days ago

What are the two reasons you wouldn't accept Ingrids proposal?

1. I'm not in the state of mind necessary for such a decision, I am only 20, I'd only make a mess of things with so much pressure. 2. I'd rather the proposal came from me.

AndiQ replied 4916 days ago

Can you tell when a chick likes you?

I'm amazing, but I'm not a mind reader, I'd respect her more if she told me rather than waiting around for a lightbulb to come on in my head you know?

AndiQ replied 4916 days ago

I have a crush on you.did you know that?

Give me a name love, can't answer your question without it.

AndiQ replied 4916 days ago

Do u think you're a sweet talker? Be honest

No, I just think the world has been filled with so much ACTUAL bull**** that the **** I say seems sweet lol.

AndiQ replied 4916 days ago

Why do people intentionally try to sabotage their relationships? Khumo_HerMajesty

Can't speak for people Ava but I sabotage when the freedom I'm giving up tasted better than the relationship does now.

AndiQ replied 4916 days ago 2

If Ingrid proposed, marriage, today... what would your answer be? (this is not a hypothetical question) seriousness is needed.

No. For two reasons.

AndiQ replied 4916 days ago

Seriously, who are you dating

Oh for **** sakes! Ingrid Velile Shabangu-Third time and counting I\'ve answered this.

AndiQ replied 4917 days ago

Do you think your whole 'I dont give a ****' attitude is some kind of defence machanism, Like a trench behind enemy lines...

No. If I say I don\'t give a **** I truly don\'t give a ****...why are people so interested in my lack of **** giving of late?

AndiQ replied 4921 days ago