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Shaun Anderson


Ask me anything you like anonymously

148 Replies

Why don't you work in childcare anymore?

I want to really badly just need a job!

Andoo96669 replied 2945 days ago

What is your favourite thing to do? Who is an inspiring person to you?

I love being around positive people, and setting goals and achieving them.

My man Jnr is a person I look up to! The mindset he has and motivation is incredible.

Andoo96669 replied 2958 days ago

Most good looking girl your age?
Modt good looking guy your age?

Fittest girl your age?
Fittest guy your age?

This question is impossible to answer

Andoo96669 replied 2976 days ago

Brooke is a extream lier, has lied the moment she could speak, lol she is such a trouble maker, i feel sorry for shaun being made out as the bad guy, he probably has done nothing wrong he did lots for brooke, i feel sorry for shaun

Why thankyou, but we both have faults it's just a lot of people don't understand it isn't just me

Andoo96669 replied 2985 days ago

I must admit, whether other people know the facts or not, you hurt Brooke. Really badly. And I feel really sorry for her.

How did I hurt Brooke? How much do you actaully know honestly no one really knows everything that has gone on other then me and Brooke. Hahah have fun thinking this

Andoo96669 replied 2986 days ago

Why did you hurt Brooke and think it was okay

Why don't you learn all the facts before jumping to conclusions?

Andoo96669 replied 2986 days ago

I will keep damaging your car!

I will damage your face.

Andoo96669 replied 3262 days ago 1

Have fun paying for the constant damages on your car just small little things 24/7

fck off you little gronk! I dont work my A$$ off for dumb feral people to damage it! Get a life

Andoo96669 replied 3262 days ago

Crushin on anyone?

Depends if i sit on them ;)

Andoo96669 replied 3285 days ago 2

**** me please :)

Inbox meh

Andoo96669 replied 3318 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?


Andoo96669 replied 3323 days ago

What would you do if you won tatts lotto

I would build every family member a house then donate a **** load

Andoo96669 replied 3331 days ago

If u could live anywhere, where would u be and where???

Where would i be and where rethink that please

Andoo96669 replied 3331 days ago

Where do you find yourself in 5 years time

Only promise i have is i will be working with children hopfully nearly my goal will be complete

Andoo96669 replied 3331 days ago

Who out of ur friends do you class as family

Honestly the only friends i have right now are my family. scotty nathan james sam nick christina jordan harni maso brando But theres others that arnt family but they know why and im messaging them right now

Andoo96669 replied 3331 days ago