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Andrew Martini for da win


Ask or tell me anything you like

19 Replies

When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”


AndrewMfordawin replied 3860 days ago

What would you do this year If you had no fear ?

A lot

AndrewMfordawin replied 3871 days ago

FOR DA WIN !!!!!!

Yea!!! what???

AndrewMfordawin replied 3871 days ago 2

What happens when we die?

I'm catholic so i believe we go to heaven or hell depending on if we sin or not.

AndrewMfordawin replied 3917 days ago

AJ!!! Zaraincorvaja


AndrewMfordawin replied 3926 days ago

What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own?

No clue

AndrewMfordawin replied 3928 days ago

Facebook or Twitter ? Give a reason for your answer


AndrewMfordawin replied 3944 days ago

What do you think is the best feeling in the world?

Being happy and joyful

AndrewMfordawin replied 3949 days ago

Something you plan on never doing again?

Telling the wrong person who I like or don't like???

AndrewMfordawin replied 3954 days ago

I heard u drop lots of yr 9's wen u play footy. Is that true????????¿

Yep, It's fun.

AndrewMfordawin replied 3956 days ago



AndrewMfordawin replied 3958 days ago

Hey Aj


AndrewMfordawin replied 3958 days ago

Guess who????


AndrewMfordawin replied 3958 days ago

If you knew you could not fail ,what would you do?

I would ask out the girl I like and I would get fame and fortune

AndrewMfordawin replied 3958 days ago

What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?

Wat ever they want most

AndrewMfordawin replied 3960 days ago