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Haha nah I don't have a gf, and who knows :]
I'm alright, thanks :]
Hahaha so true man
True that my friend.
Is that a trick question?
broom broom.
A genie who was slack and let me have as much wishes as I want.
or chimichongas.
Honestly, it all depends on the teacher in my experience. With the wrong teacher it can be just....horrible.
Uh yeah for the most part I guess haha, but usually I try my best to be friendly. :?
Uh, I would have to say Coldplay would be my favourite artists/band.
I'm not gonna lie.. you would need 5 trucks to move them. Because, I've got ballllllls of steeeeeel.
Well, if I can't say myself... possibly Kyle W, sometimes you just don't know with him... :P
I don't think I know any people there.
Um I think I might know some people there.
I know a few people there yeah lol.
No, I've never sent one lol.
Lets just say it wasn't child-friendly, and possible lol. 0.o
Teleportation or Invisibility or Time Travel... and those are just the practical choices... :]
Ah yeah it's been an alright one thanks. :D And it's just a thing for people to ask me random questions lol
Nooooobody. woo. :|
When people truly believe in really stupid things in their heads.
Ahh yeah, I see. Good point. :?
What about kidneys?
No-one right now.. technically I guess haha, but who knows with me. :S
It means you've got a good punch, not a good muscle structure. :?
Damn dude lol
Very true. I'm gonna go get that on a mug now..
Haha thanks, I'm not sure of having that pic for everything else yet.
Hmmmmm.. Why not both! :D *Spanish music starts playing, crowd cheers"
It's been a few years.. ?:
I hope it helps you too. :} And if you ever need to talk to someone just message me :}
Hope for better things, look at life and acknowledge the goodness of it and the goodness that you can have in your life, figure out what would make you happy in life and hope for it, or better then that go out and (like most people can if they really try) make your hopes in to reality and be your opinion of happy. That is the best answer I can give right now :} If you ever need someone to talk to, my inbox is always open lol, but the important thing is just look at the goodness of things.
Sorryy for that, if I see them doing that I'll them. :]
um, I don't think any to be honest. :S
As long as I want.
I don't know... :/
I think so..? But I'm not sure :/
55 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10)
Y'know... I'm actually, really, not :)
Sacred Heart Year 9? lol Ummmm, probably.., Olivia Martino and Olivia Carey? I haven't really seen anyone from Sacred Heart that recently haha.
Just a person, but I don't even think she does anymore which is good because nothing was going to happen there anyway. :/
Just a person, nothing is happening there so y'know yeah..
She seems like a nice person? Other then that I'm not sure, I've never really talked to her that much.
I don't even remember xD
What about her..?
I'll be the honest, the most recent one, I didn't make haha. comment..... :[]
Tsk tsk..
Well, let me just clarify (I'm not being mean I just want to openly say) The cutting that I did, was such a small and non-important thing to there is plenty 'worser' off things for me lol, so please don't fixate on the's over and done with and when it was happening it was so minimal and even now months after I don't even consider it a mention-worthy thing.. The truth is I've had Depression, Anxiety, OCD for the majority of my life, if not all of it, I was diagnosed with these things around the time of when I was in Primary School (Meaning a Doctor officially said I had them, doesn't mean I got them then), so I really haven't changed at all from when I was in Primary School lol, you shouldn't be shocked because in that aspect I'm pretty much the same as I was in Primary School, I don't really show my problems and usually seem fine. :] And I'm sorry to hear about that Psychiatric stuff, if you ever want to talk about any of that stuff with anybody, I'm a great listener :), but yeah, please don't worry or be stunned on the 'cutting' because it really isn't relevant at all in my life and I hardly think in comparison to all of my other "Mental-Stuff" (if anything is even noticeable with that..), it isn't even important..
Lol I have no clue.
I am the incarnate of Epic-Awesomness. (At least that's what it says on my birth certificate).
I don't really like anyone right now :/ And I know of someone who likes me.
Um, I probably listen to more Alternative music.
At this point, nobody really I guess haha, although knowing me, give it time and at some random point I will see some person and I'll "like" them lol.
I'm friends with everyone no matter they're appearance.
I highly doubt I would be like that for anyone.
Well, if that is the case.. Then we can still try and be good friends :D
I'm really not in any definite 'likingness' of the person, we're just friends. And even if it happens that I don't like you in 'that way' we can still be friends. :]
I used too... :/
Well, now I'm confused. :?
Really please feel free to message me. :)
Well for one, maybe then I'll be able to talk to you lol and two, I'm not really sure if 'my crush' is still 'my crush', we're friends and nothing would've "happened" anyway.. :?
Well message me either on Facebook or something else, you never know, and if I haven't met you then I will, I'll have a lengthy chat with anyone whether I've met them or not. :D
I wouldn't say so, I remember almost everyone, just having to get type out the names on the spot is a bit hard :P
Wellll like I said there are names I can't quite remember lol, so you never know ;]
Okay anyone not mentioned don't take it to heart I really can't remember much on this topic from back then :P).. so with that I guess.. Olivia Carey, Olivia Martino, Asher De klijn , Kate Morrissey.. Those are the peopel I can remember mainly :? why not, I may as well from the people I can remember.. Nicolette Julia, , Grace Bracun , Kearly Scherman , Ellen Cooke and.. there's possibly more people but I can't remember.
.......yes :S
Allllright.. lol
You mean Liam Costigan?
Yet to be finalised.
I'm not sure.
Because why not... And who or what is Mr Pin? lol
it's complicated. I'm not in the mood to talk about it publicly for anyone to see, sorry. :S
People.. >.>
Oh Lawd, I don't think it's possible for me to narrow down and make a list like that lol
I like St Bedes.. I mean as High Schools go it is pretty good I guess.
You know looking back on it, I really did like Primary School (Good Memories).. :)
I'm thinking around about a number..
Viva la Vida.
I could say something in reply to this that will probably drag out a paragraph or two, but I'm just happy that some proper grammar is used here..
Oh well..
Thanks :)
Hi. (You've just been answered) :D
I think it was a crew from the Ukraine (for the 2013 championship).