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Nekeja j0y,kemang 0batla h0tseba?
Angb0nanga kahle,utheni?
Akudoko olugayelwe wena lolo,phuma lapho
Quite al0tta ish,mind elab0rating?
My applicati0n was n0t appr0ved,in a nutshell: i d0nt qualify...
Cute is an understatement...
Haven't been listening
Ill answer yes 2 that 9 years frm nw
N0,nat even c0nsidering 2b 0ne.that d0esnt mean im h0m0ph0bic th0ugh,l0ve ma h0m0 friends 2 death!
**** n0!
Wr0ng tree.kn0w him?
Super, duper, fabglamtastic