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anele msimang


Just ask me...If you got the tomatoes.

198 Replies

What is the dumbest thing you have done today?

Im not dumb lol

Anele.Msimang12 replied 2630 days ago

What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?


Anele.Msimang12 replied 2817 days ago 1

What do you need to get off your chest right now?

I've answered this before, my boo*s!

Anele.Msimang12 replied 2860 days ago 2

The secret to a good friendship is... ?


Anele.Msimang12 replied 2866 days ago

What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?

Is there ever really a good reason to brag? Because at the end of the day we've all got at least one flaw, bragging is a way of making people think you're up there

Anele.Msimang12 replied 2874 days ago 1

......?Oh look its greenpea's???..... CHARLZ135

What ??

Anele.Msimang12 replied 2891 days ago 2

What made you happy this week

When Yorelis followed me on instagram I almost died♥
she's one of my biggest dancingdancing inspirations

Anele.Msimang12 replied 2891 days ago 2

When are you the most unattractive

I don't mean to sound cliché but ever since I embraced my own personality and all. I realised that no body is ugly ever. Sorry boss

Anele.Msimang12 replied 2892 days ago 1

Vanilla Killers?

No oh my lordy Lord. I don't dislike vanilla killers but I have a great amount of disappointment when I think about it. I mean, why is it such a "privilege" to date a white person because honestly you're just promoting racism. My advice is Love others when you learn to love your own

Anele.Msimang12 replied 2892 days ago 5

You're cooool?

Thank you friend, it's a good skill to have when you live in Africa
I'm sure you're just as cool if not more♥

Anele.Msimang12 replied 2892 days ago

When were you the most happy and why?

When I'm around people who make me laugh because sometimes people don't understand why or how I find everything so funny and its because you can't waste your memory on moments where you aren't smiling

Anele.Msimang12 replied 2892 days ago 1

Why are you single?

Because boys just can't handle me
and im still looking for a mayn to live me for me and get me pizza and shiiii

Anele.Msimang12 replied 2894 days ago 2

Best friend ?✨? Sphumeiz205

Best cow♥

Anele.Msimang12 replied 2894 days ago

Why are you single?

All day every day

Anele.Msimang12 replied 2894 days ago 1

My Sphumeiz205


Anele.Msimang12 replied 2895 days ago