Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
When people treat everyone else like cra* and look down on them because they think they are better when they're not
I dont play it outside of school its just the gane that I like to play ; )
I dont really know im happy with my samsung : )
Haha yeh I know it was an accident ; )
Netball : ) why?
Haha yeh I know
Doing Tapjazz boring as hiphop is so much better
Idk didnt get it today
Definitely no doubt about it
Idk dont talk to her really
Yeah y you even asking
I forgot and Just havent got around to it
Totally haha jokes
On facebook??
Umm funny looks funny on crutches sporty and used to be great and fun to be around dont really know anymore shes changed
LolI already have haha who is this? : )
Depends on who this is..
Who is that? Courtney?
Great just do it I dont bite x
Tell me who you are .
Aww thankyou x : )
Talking to you obviously haha ; )
Tahlia Munroe
I know it was very sad : (
March at an open coffin ceremony
How dare you holla haha
Yes I would ; )
Rachelle Wilson and Courtney sawford maybe rachelle a tad more since we have been best friends or longer : ) ; )
Rachelle wilson Courtney sawford Portia lee Marina skilarenko Chloe cunnington
Yes this is really me its Mikayla :)