Why do you say your 12???
Why does it matter?
Gonna try and make this short but you are one of my favourite cosplayers i ever known and my god that Jinx bae is on poiint!! Wish i can say this in person but will travel again and meet you this time!
Thankyou darlin ??? hope I can meet you!!
well if your not a liar
what color is your skin irl? <br >Did you really get invited to a con in north america?
My skin is naturally a fair olive colour, I tan very easily but when I stay out of the sun I go a pale olive. AND ITS NORTH A F R I C A FAR OUT
The person that is messaging you is clearly a psycho jesssuuuus christ, I 99.9% doubt they're actually your friend and are just trying to freak you out
Jokes on them cause i really couldn't give a sht, they're too scared to message me lol
I know you don't consider many people friends. That's why it's so funny. You're just so wonderful.
So are you going to inbox me or not? And I know, I'm gods gift to humans.
I'm on anon because its funnier pretending to be your friend
Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't consider many people friends. I think it would be more interesting if you actually stopped cowering behind anon :) I encourage you to inbox me, I truly would love to know what your problem is with me
What was your first kiss like?
Awkward as heck
You're soo pretty and and seem Like a really amazing person, plus your Jinx cosplay is to die for lol, wish I could meet you at a convention!!
Thankyou <3 <3
Do you prefer your year 7 or 8 friends
Year 7 cause they're my age!! 12!! <3
What's it like to be you?
Pretty sht at times lol
When do you know you're in love?
I dunno man it's different for everyone lol
Your Instagram feed is goals
Thankyou but it's messy as lol ^__^;
If you could be on the cover of any magazine , which would you choose ?
An alternative one :P
What is on your mind?
Songs cause I'm playing piano lol
Ooo nice, what other nationalities are you?
Spanish and greek
But do you have fancy bras that show off your nipples?
No and I don't want any that do THANKS
"Follow your dreams also your memes as somebody once told me"-Shrek
Fantastic, praise shrek
You really are a piece of art, not just on a physical spectrum but in a way that lingers infinite compassion through every soul that idolizes you through every single thing that you do.
Oh.. thankyou ❤❤
Just give me a cup size, I'll send you bras
I have bras thanks
How big are your t***
U wwhor gerl
U show who worl tit
Fuk u whor gerl, go sho worl ur tit
have you ever taken nudes, regardless of whether you sent them or not
how bigs your bfs dck?
Why do you want to know??? Jfc
What if I paid for them?
Can you like post nudes
No wtf
Have you ever been in a situation where you dared to drink/chug something at a place without bathrooms?
No lol
What do I need to do to get into your pants?
A flying pig and 20 Virgin maidens
In other words, fûck off :^)
why wont you play league with me anymore XD ?
Cause I dont play anymore lol
Was your wig for your Jinx cosplay lace-front or not???
It wasn't because I couldn't find a long enough lace front :(
Are you $exually active?
Why is it any of you business????
Have you had $ex with zac before?? as jinx
Excuse me??? I don't even think I know a Zac...
Do you like someone to put on a loud rock music on while he and his friend team up together to take you down in bed?
Uhm??? What????
2 years a fan and something amount of months spent seeing posts about bokboks
Chickens are best
Aye girl what that mouth do?
Eat lots of chocolate freckles
what music do you like?
Mostly rock ^__^
Small boo*s and choocks choocks are a reason to live, not get hated by
Chookchooks are life ;U;
just wanna say keep doing what you are doing, you have an amazing talent for cosplay, you are very beautiful person(not creepy at all) and just seem like a down to earth person :)
Thankyou <3 it means a lot
how did you mean your boyfriend? <3
Online and then at a convention :)
You know what? F*ck it you are beautiful and amazing and awesome person i hope one day ill meet! Such a shame couldn't meet you at AMC but ill travel to Melbourne again to see you. Keep being you <3
From: You're favourite neighborhood Spidey with a mouth.
Thankyou lovely <3 it's nice to see some positivity in my qooh me inbox for once xD hope I can meet you soon!
Angel you're gorgeous and your cosplays are so talented!! continue to stand tall <3 [email protected]
Love youuuuu<3
All we look forward to is when you finally get a real boyfriend and you start posting all about him. lol
Why do you even care if I post about him??? I don't understand
I don't have to prove my relationship to anyone so byeeeeeee lol
The amount of salt here gives me life.
You're a wonderful person Angel, just ignore them ❤
THANKYOU CHOOKCHOOK LOV U <3333 ps send chooks
Are you the cosplay Kim k with your own hoe squad
Sure why not -.-
If you were a subway footlong what one would you be
Uhhh I don't really eat subway much so I have no idea lol
If you catch my drift
A:would you catch my drift
B: would you not catch my drift
C:would you try to catch my drift
All 3
No name. No photos. No real boyfriend. Lies get caught out hun. :)
You're hilarious :') as I said before, just because I don't post about him doesn't make him not real. Sorry for wanting a private relationship lol
u and the breie girl
What about us ????
I will pay u money to stand on my face with hot feet
Message me back on instagram from 5 months ago I'm nice
How do I know who you areeee
Whats your favorite brand of Rice?
Mine is Uncle Bens.
I want to lick your feet.
would you date anyone who is older than you? like aged 21 for a example?
Yeah :P
What was your favourite subject at school? bonnieeeeeeeee
Probably English or arts haha ^__^
Does your boyfriend know he's not real? Or is that just you?
I assure you he's 100% real lol, just because I don't post about him doesn't make him non existent :')
Small boo*s are justice. ❤
Y r u such a hoe. Put ur t*** away :(((
Ikr sorry I put my tatas away 4 u
My tacos brings all the peeps to the yard.
So are you going to admit that you think Harry is $exy or what?
Look btch, You better listen real close, YOUR fckING BEAUTIFUL AND I WANT TO STEAL U AND Become u and omg. okay?
can you redo your wrecking ball parody please?
Ur a sweetheart and ilysm <3 but u s*ck @ messages XD :'(
<333 and I'm sorry:C I try my best
I miss your scene photos :( you were goals. now you're a try hard.
Lol dunno how not being scene anymore makes me a try hard but sure.
You made a cute Wednesday Addams and I love our photos. (A not so secret admirer)
*hugs* <3 <3 thankyou! I love your photos
Kaneki can we go home
Come to adealide and drink my coffee XD
Bruh buy me a ticket ;)
You are a wonderful friend and cosplayer, I am so happy I meet you, you are such a great friend I call you family, you lovely friend and I can't wait to you again DruncleMew
<3 *hugs*
put in a good word for me to sarah watts ;)
she has a boyfriend, sozzz
Which city is better Melbourne or Sydney?
i've never been to sydney but from what i've heard melbourne is better :p
I think you're cute AF. Are you single by chance?
thankyou, and no, sorry C:
have you thought of doing wednesday addams? would be so easy to pull of for you haha
i'll be doing her for a shoot soon :)
Would you be friends with someone who admires you a lot but doesn't wanna consider themselves a "fan" ? ^o^
sure c:
Any advice on how to put in contacts? I've never used them before and I'm too scared that they'll hurt my eyeballs! >.<
place the clear part lightly on your finger, pull down lower lid, look away and place contact on the white part, then either look into it or blink until it sits on your eye : )
You're an amazing cosplayer, love your jinx. Hope I can meet you one day. :)
thank you! i hope we do meet one day! :)
Are you going to amc in oct???
yeah but in casual im most likely
What is the best advice for a dude that never been on a date before? Serious question here
stay calm, be yourself. don't put on a fake personality, make sure that the person wants you because you're YOU and not anyone else.
U look lyk cheese
i love cheese thank u
my friend thinks your hot
thanks :')
If you had to pick between Living in the world of battleborn or overwatch as an omnic
uhhhh i have no idea about battleborn cause i haven't played it so i'll just go with overwatch :P
If you had the chance to be any character you have ever wanted, who or what would it be?
jinx! <3
I love you
love you too stranger : D
D R U M & B A S S
is M A C & C H E E S E
roger no more pls
you are so hot!! how old are you ? :)
ah Thankyou ^.^ and 12 kek
Who is that annoying pet robot man who mysteriously fights by your side? Are you guys secretly in love? Does he realise his music is tremendously loud?
Uuh what
what did you study in? Adrokath
Information Technology, computer Software, Hardware and Networking
have you considered of cosplaying something from RWBY?? Adrokath
nope haha
Do you pray for Harambe?
do you consider yourself a happy person? :3
I guess
trump or hillary
neither yuck
Can dank memes melt steel beams?
Teach me to play LOL plz i s*ck XD
I s*ck too tho
Who you like more?? Theloosecannon or jinx?
jinx is the loose canon lel
why do you hate black people
I don't?
I'm good thanks