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Defs not Christina
One of my favourite things to do is squat
I wear beanies okay
Yes she is, before I said my closest friends
Ahahahhahahaah !
You- and?
Me- I didn\'t know what it meant
It does it automatically only on this, I hate it too!
James is a funny little one, nah he\'s a good kid we talk at Greek school but that\'s about it
\"If you don\'t accept me at my worst you don\'t deserve me at my best\"
-that\'s some pretty inspirational shi* there xx λολ
Hmm that\'s a tuffy, my closest friends are stasiebabie, the members of the unbreakable five, cas* bomb, skatoula(em), molly, mon and steph b
Julzini is just cray cray, she\'s da apple of mi life and srsly I don\'t knw were I\'d be with out her
Christina is my malaka and she can\'t talk
Homg bby only 4 chocolate inbox mi if it goin Choc factory
I did go to greece with my brothers, that's pretty far from where I live
*mmt mmt , mmt mmt*
Why not