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Hahaha, ek is goed met mense uitken! ;)
Lyk my ek love jou WeNa!!!!
Daas net een mens wat dit altyd vimy se.. Ek owe belowe jys amazing <3
Hahaha for real? Ek het gedink ek is die enigste een wat dit agterkom :/ dankie ;)
Hulle het al2 kak op hulle stokkies, hahaha wie vra sulke kak
More than anything, I love her to the moon and back
I don't have people on bbm I don't like!?
Dankie, ek sal as die persoon virmy *REAL* kan offer..
he'll just lose out?
Sy mond oopmaak!!!
Wanting to know who and why??? If I knew who that PERSON is liking me, I'd put myself to work ?
Dankie, eks seker jy is ook <3
Glad nie... ;)
Always... But not anyone specific..
I'd prefer the person to tell me... You never know..
You can't steal it,you can own it? ;)
Wie ookal jy is.. You've got me thinking... I don't know.. All I can say is trust,sharing(anything possible) and to compromise.. Giving it all from both sides...
Skop my assek verkeerd is maar jou naam begin met n A.. Hahaha what do you have to offer :D , if its Unconditional love ill marry you with an smile
I fear absolutely nothing and no1 exept the Man upstairs ;)
Hahha malnaaaaat ;P love you tiet!!!
Hahaha, if you don't think so.. I do ;)
Ill try ;)
Jyt dit glad nie wegge gee nie :P haha tonne liefde jou mooi mens
Who the **** is Nico hahaha
Don't be in one at all ;)