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Angus Opthoog


Ask or tell me anything you like

547 Replies

What could you talk endlessly about?

Travelling and how Essendon are better than Hawthorn ?

Angus1999 replied 2837 days ago

What could you talk endlessly about?


Angus1999 replied 2837 days ago

Thoughts on Katie B? Ahah

Well she's a vego, so... ? kidding! Absolute legend, enjoy talking to her so much! Although she goes for Hawthorn she is an intelligent and mature woman! She's probably got the cutest smile I've ever seen! Looking forward to catching up with her again ?

Angus1999 replied 2840 days ago

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Well it's a newborn child, it's not going to remember my amazing advice! Haha

Angus1999 replied 3366 days ago

Kebab? Narne


Angus1999 replied 3392 days ago

What are you most excited about for this coming week?

To see Tiarne!!!

Angus1999 replied 3403 days ago 1

Awwwhh thanks x Narne

No problem! Xx

Angus1999 replied 3411 days ago

Oh so the x was for me? Xx

Well if this is Tiarne, then yes it is for you! Haha X

Angus1999 replied 3413 days ago

Why are you putting an "x" after every answer? I feel a bit loved...

Well I was talking about Tiarne so the "x" was for her! Haha

Angus1999 replied 3414 days ago

Well she must love your smile too huh..

Haha well she says she does x

Angus1999 replied 3416 days ago

Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?

Well I love Tiarne's smile! X

Angus1999 replied 3417 days ago 1

Are you and Tiarne going out yet?!?!?

Yes we are! Haha x

Angus1999 replied 3418 days ago 1

Do u like cats or dogs

Like both but prefer dogs

Angus1999 replied 3419 days ago

What's under your bed?

Junk and old school work

Angus1999 replied 3421 days ago

What cheers you up ?

To be honest, Tiarne! X haha

Angus1999 replied 3425 days ago 1