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101 Replies

instagram details??


Anien_schulze replied 2291 days ago

Daars n verskil tussen werk vir wat jy wil he en die onderwysers se gatte blink lek

Ek stem maar as jy net ophou asume dat ek gaan vra om te help (wat daar geen probeem me is nie) sal jy agterkom dat daar vir my gevra het en nie anders om nie so geen gatte word blink gelek nie.

Anien_schulze replied 2291 days ago 1

I feel sorry Andrea, having to put up with a btch like you for so long

I have have a btch inside of me but i own it while you hide and break people down and thats worse than me being a btch and owning it. Your a coward and thats worse.

Anien_schulze replied 2292 days ago

You're losing all your friends

Who says they arent losing me? And where they really my friends if they are leaving?

Anien_schulze replied 2292 days ago

kruip jy lekker gat hoof meisie 2019?

Hoe gaan hierdie jou lewe verbeter? As dit nie gaan nie kom asb oor die feit dat ek werk vir wat ek wil he en dis beslis nie om hoofmeisie te wees nie. Hou op wegkruip en lewe sonder om ander af te kraak.

Anien_schulze replied 2292 days ago

Can I dm you for your number
You look like a really nice/amazing person

Sure ?

Anien_schulze replied 2368 days ago



Anien_schulze replied 2415 days ago

Hey Anien hoe oud is jy want as ek gaan raai gaan ek 10 teen 1 verkeerd wees???

Eks 17... dis in my bio??

Anien_schulze replied 2442 days ago

What is the dumbest thing you have done today?

The isn't enough space...?

Anien_schulze replied 2554 days ago

Jys mooi


Anien_schulze replied 2558 days ago

What misconception about you would you like to clear up ?

I didnt give up on him i had no choice but to leave him.

Anien_schulze replied 2615 days ago

What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?

Gave up...

Anien_schulze replied 2624 days ago

The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?

Read, sleep, eat, live ???

Anien_schulze replied 2634 days ago

What's something you fell in love with instantly?

Chocolate, pizza

Anien_schulze replied 2639 days ago

mooiste ❤❤ Katja_2k18

Bii ekt te veel liefde vir jou❤❤

Anien_schulze replied 2640 days ago