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anita ross


Ask or tell me anything you like

233 Replies

do you know whose doing psychology units 1

Next year? Meeee :-)

AniiElysse replied 3632 days ago

Will you be the peanut better to my jelly?


AniiElysse replied 3636 days ago

Your so hot like a sunrise !

Thanks ketut

AniiElysse replied 3636 days ago

I'll be the vodka and you can be the chaser ;)
You can be the shoes and I can be the laces
You can be the hero and I can be your sidekick
You will always be the tears that I cry if you ever leave me mo fker


AniiElysse replied 3636 days ago

Your beautiful dun dun your beautiful dun dun your beautiful it's true !

Hahaha cute

AniiElysse replied 3636 days ago

Your hot , I'd marry you xx

Aw babe

AniiElysse replied 3636 days ago

You're beautiful babe, they are just idiots :) xx meeeg710

Thankyou gorgeous I know they are :') xx

AniiElysse replied 3636 days ago 1

:-) your pores will never stop oozing filth or stupidity no matter how often you shower :-p

Okay if that made any sense I guess i might be offended, But it doesn't, soo I'm not :')

AniiElysse replied 3637 days ago

Anita i have to agree you keep humiliating yourself & telling this person they humiliated themselves when they didn't is ridiculous.

Stop pretending to be multiple people your not fooling anyone :') they did humiliate themselves actually, they fuc.king posted on my qoohme something that was ment for petas qoohme

AniiElysse replied 3637 days ago

Makes perfect sense Peta, you humiliate yourself with all your ridiculous responses.

You just humiliated yourself fu.ckwit :')

AniiElysse replied 3639 days ago

You're proving you're all bit.ches, lost all respect for everyone of you.

That's okay you mustn't be very important to me anyways or you wouldn't be saying this ****, yeh look everyone can be a ***** but I'm simply answering these messages

AniiElysse replied 3641 days ago

& you've named all your imaginary friends too...aawww too cute, not. & tell them to off too, k thanks.

Soo according to you, you just told my imaginary friends to **** off? Yeah you should probably see someone about that :-)

AniiElysse replied 3641 days ago

Hahahahahahaha fu.ckin funny! These imaginary friends of yours!

Maddy, Erica, Chloe and peta said you :-)

AniiElysse replied 3641 days ago 1

She brought it on herself & now can't take it...girls shu.t the up, you are all just attention seeking.

If by she you mean me then your wrong because I haven't done anything for anyone to hate me and I can take one person hating me as you can quite clearly see it doesn't bother me in the slightest :-) and we arnt attention seekers you moron your the one posting all this **** on our qoohme causing attention. Dumbass

AniiElysse replied 3641 days ago

What makes people boring?

If they are on their phone and can't have an actual conversation with you

AniiElysse replied 3641 days ago