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my dad .
when they only talk to me when they need something,or their bored. And they don't talk to me otherwise.
yeah I trust him
he's nice but we don't talk anymore..
he's nice .
lol I'm not tho :p.
it doesn't matter right now..
1 person
uhh idk
$0000000 .
he's cute & fun to talk to, and I hope I can meet him this weekend c:
Ibm if you wanna know
I wouldn't. Ever.
I've never been on a date
A lot... :(
food, food and more food
inbox me, ill tell you
omg ill text you my thoughts on you, qooh me is being stupid
you're really nice
You\'re really pretty, and we used to hate eachother, but i dont think you hate me anymore (:
message me on facebook . So i know who you are
i have more of a life than you. chirping people anonymously. grow up. how the f*** am i copying her ?
you're* and i'm actually not LOL.
i'm not... lol ? he's my bestfriend, that's it.
idk we dont talk much, but he's nicee, and he should talk to me sometimee
no . go s*ck a Dic*
k i really dont care what you think
thanks :)
uhm taco bell
thank you :)
id rather not. thanks tho.
my boyfriends house (:
thats cool
ah i dont even know :P
lol im not exactly sure that ethnic means xD
LOLOL okay come do it. I'm waiting.
LOL , stop being anon , and come say it to my face xD .
probs, you seem like a chill guy :p uhm idk hangout i guess, cause i quit weed so i cant smoke that anymore..
nope, he lost it to my bestfriend tho
paranormal activity 4, despicable me :)
cakee broo
nothing like us- justin bieber
just chillen in my closet xD
my boyfriend :)
hahah omg xD come chill sometime then duddee.
you're my cousin lol, you're really pretty and nicee :) we need to hangout soon again !
thanks :) inbox me !
i used to, not anymore. why do you ?
yeah I know, its still new to me tho
you dont need to know.
Its easier.
nope i haven't. only 2.
he's nice, and is a really good friend to have aha, he's sweet too, & also me nd him need to chill soon.
but he can get mad really easily, & i dont really like that ._.
uhm i dont think any.
i'm positive !
aha thanks, but im not ;O
a guy
cause i hate chico .
idk. it shouldnt matter my opinion anyways, they both hate me
idk we don't really talk and i dont think she likes me
well he's an as*hole lmao.
Jade thwaites and alex scott ? lol their a cute coupllee :p
noooo why do you think that :( ?
haha ... a guy :$
eww ... wtf no .
haha thanks ..