Why so pretty?
Thanks, whoever you are. I'm sure you're even prettier though
Who would u ask out when u are older that is in yr 8 at the moment. Ethan....
Haha, nice try. Anyway, I wouldn't ask out a boy. That's thier job
Where do you want to live when you older?
Near lots of shops
Who would you date in year 8??
No one. Not until I'm older
Anna your such a beautiful friend so glad we have become friends this year, you're so nice and fun
Thanks. I'm sure you're even more stunning! And probably super nice and caring. Xx
What is your favourite animal?
You're seriously the best maths buddy!! I would literally die in maths if it weren't for you xx
Haha thanks! Right back at ya!
Who is ur friend that is always there for u?
All of them
Favoutite food
Favourite food. Maybe lollies...
5 best girl friends
I don't know. Probably Chloe, Kezia, Jackie, Phoebe, Jess. I hang out with them most
Top 15 friends
I have too many and can't think of all of them from the top of my head
Who would you date in 7E
I wouldn't date anyone in yr 7
Why are you so pretty???? I need to know haha Jacque_286
You're the pretty one
Why are you so pretty?! Phoebe.bell
I'm not pretty, you are Xx