anne jessica denyssen
Name 3 people you trust?
Tatum'Herman,MaXx'Ortan and myself:)*
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
Yes I would ... Sorry Mom And DaD :)*
Have you ever been friendzoned?
No and never will :D
I just want you to know that i think you're really pretty .. You have a natural look and it brings out those big brown eyes .. You're cute but at the same time really se*y! .. I wish that one day you would notice me ..
PING!!! Me On BbM
He naaiers don't talk such kak about my cousin you don't know me I'll blody f*** you up iLoveYou cuz and I miSs you hope I see you soon never seen u in a long time:) Z.V :)
Hey Cuzziekies and no mahn it was a joke from my fwend and I missies you♥ more I will see you♥ soon hopefully ;) #LovingYouCousin♡
Hahahaha u know mos!
:p :p :p
Ha u den so kak ugly girly sies
Imagine look @ yourself and then talk #StopHating
So like Fong Kong do u think that u can score boys in 50 seconds?
HaHaHa Only one person who says Fong kong to me and yes I can #NiggarPlease #DontJudge
Do u think u are pretty
Uhmmmm well duh I Think I'm gorgeous And know ones going To break My Self Esteem LoL Please Make Yourself known