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When I realised... Life ain't just life :p
Huh! I didn't know that! Thanks for the irrelative information.
*****? defuq that be? and mistakes happen
Uhm. the stuff you smeer on you bread? :O
Uhmmm... yes :) I saw your dog peanut bettering you ;)
I'm not .... I jus make people do what I want :) with force :p And they like it anyway :/
hmmmmm phhhhfff... Uhm.... I don't know... I don't have one ... Wow
I don't know! :o Because I don't take **** from anybody??
Pleasing people!
Uhm... Why? :o ...
the one when you imagining you were still a virgin (Y)
Don't think thats anybodies business.
You heard wrong! I don't have a nice donkey! I don't own a donkey :) Enjoy my sarcasm
Hahaha... My eyes aint big! >:/
'Who's', seriously, Stupid way of asking a question!
Indie music Rules Me ✟
fake what? :o Uhm I'm not fake tho' Don't know what the other word is so. Ya no to both!
Mmmm... Yes.... and no... but yes!