Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
They're 'cool' (y) .
Uhmmm , there are quite a few _ no one on my current bbm , but people that I've deleted a while ago .
Lol , I don't really do shopping so you honestly cannot ask me that lokl .
I'm at sinton at the moment _ & am not really that fond of it ...
I know to many people from golden grove to be named .
Craziest chika ooit , But an amazing friend <3 x.
Awww , lol ily2 mishy <3 Sisters for life babe :$({}) .
Uhmmm , No , his my friend lol . I've got a bf _ sorry thou lmimp .
Crazy as* niggurh :g . Amazing boyfriend / bestfriend quality - I miss him loads :$ . Amazing swag m/ . But most importantly , don't fvck with him cause you have no idea what's coming your way (y) . - my ultimate boybestfriend <3 Sinalo , if this is you _ ILY :p({}) .
Awwww , lol thanks so much _ ping me please so I know who tis is =-c ?
My bestfriend My sister My girlfriend My everything MY ENTIRE WORLD <3
Have me on bbm ? Ping me please ;;) ?
I don't have any 'looks' so I'd do that , but then again _ I'm dumber than a doornob , so I'd do the intelligence too x_x .
Awwwww lopl , love & miss you too Saarah <3 .
Drop dead gorgeous , awesome personality & perfect best friend material , Cool to hang out with & also great person to have at parties
Pretty _ with an awesome/crazy personality , She's awesome to be with at parties lol .
Uhmm , I attened groote schuur primary , but will be atteneding san souci girls high for 2014 .
Hockey & swimming
Awwww , lol _ my cub thou ' :$<3 . I love you too much , words can't express it .
I don't see much girls swimmers _ but from what I've seen , for a swimmer Saarah Abarahams is really pretty & boys ? Uhmmmm _ sorry , I've seen too many :$ .