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Annie hockey


Ask me!!

350 Replies

Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?

No. And plus I shower

Anniehockey replied 3731 days ago

Thoughts:) Jetmules

Talked a few times. Good and nice guy. Always up for a chat. Attractive

Anniehockey replied 3733 days ago

Whoever told Annie that she is a loser they a frugal wrong Annie amazing and awesome and you are the damn loser. don't listen to them hottie xxx Murphette

Haha gretts xxxxxx

Anniehockey replied 3735 days ago

Who would be the cutest year 7 couple at ccb?

I don't care

Anniehockey replied 3735 days ago

What do you like about the person you dating?

I'm not dating anyone

Anniehockey replied 3735 days ago

Hang in there Annie don't worry about what these people are saying about you because they are all bullies I hope they read this and stop saying all these things about you because it's not nice - taneesha BK3

Thanks Taneesha xx

Anniehockey replied 3737 days ago

All you stupi.d people sticking up for Annie make me laugh. Annie is a b.itch and you all know it. So stop sticking up for her and write hate on her wall. Annie needs to go kill herself. YOU ALL AGREE!!!!! HAHAHA LAME LOSER

Who ever this is can you please just stop :(

Anniehockey replied 3737 days ago

Long thoughts? Xx jaydemalouf

JAYDE. Your so nice and super funny. I dont know you to well but when we talk at school we always seem to laugh. Your super duper pretty and I would love to get to know you better!! xxx

Anniehockey replied 3737 days ago 1

calm ya horses people! leave annieee aloneee!
she doesnt deserve anything! :))
people only give hate cause they are jealous, so u mjst be jealous anonymous person
xxx maaddiemakehamm

Haha thanks maddie xxx

Anniehockey replied 3737 days ago

Worthless pieces of shi.t telling my sister to go kill herself. look in the mirror you low life anonymous arseholes. Grow some balls and turn anonymous off you pathetic twelvie fuc.ks.

:) :)

Anniehockey replied 3738 days ago


Anniehockey replied 3738 days ago

omg please leave Annie alone she isn't a ****! :'( love you Annie x jessicapilling

Jess I really need to talk to you. What can I actually trust you on?

Anniehockey replied 3738 days ago

thoughts on hayley mcleod? xxx

OMG HAYLEY!!!!! Your my most favourite BSE girl. You such an amazing netballer and always up for a chat. Your so so so so pretty and really funny. Your personality is so sweet. Omg Hayley love you xoxoxox

Anniehockey replied 3738 days ago

**** off you **** suc.kers leave annie alone >:( theaengbino

Thanks bino xoxo

Anniehockey replied 3738 days ago

If you haven't relised. NO-ONE LIKES YOU. Go die

:'( :(

Anniehockey replied 3738 days ago