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annie scholes


fire away ;)

271 Replies


pan$exual (it 100% means that i’m attracted to pans) (that was sarcasm bc some people don’t know what sarcasm is)

Anniescholes_ replied 2254 days ago

what if I don't want to qooh you

well you did so idk what to tell you really

Anniescholes_ replied 2254 days ago

lemme smash

nee dankie

Anniescholes_ replied 2254 days ago

idk what i’m even doing i just saw your user commented under lilia’s post and here i am

well hello to whoever saw my comment under lilia's post and came here. nice to meet ya

Anniescholes_ replied 2300 days ago

what's your favourite song

so so many but like my best one at the moment is either 30 minute break by the luke state or city biy by calpurnia but there’s literally millions

Anniescholes_ replied 2304 days ago

i want to be your friend but im too socially awkward to say hi

i’m also incredibly socially awkward. say hi plEASE and we can be socially awkward together

Anniescholes_ replied 2304 days ago

What made you happy today? 100+


Anniescholes_ replied 2307 days ago

And I want to be friends with u but I'm like 13 so

just dm me materini, idrc about your age

Anniescholes_ replied 2307 days ago

Also i lowkey want to be your friend just bc fangirls and ok im done

omg pls dm me and be my friend

Anniescholes_ replied 2310 days ago

Also like stranger things thank you

omg stranger things is the best thing i love

Anniescholes_ replied 2310 days ago

Ok so your feed is stunning you are stunning everything is stunning iand i want to get to know youu

omg please dm me

Anniescholes_ replied 2310 days ago

who's the worst person you've ever met


Anniescholes_ replied 2318 days ago

Stranger Things or IT??

qaylah this is an illegal question to ask

Anniescholes_ replied 2318 days ago

ahaha we don't talk often but I actually think you're really beautiful ?

aw thank youuuuuu

Anniescholes_ replied 2325 days ago

Where do you want to go to university?

university of manchester, york university, university of edinburgh or the university of british columbia

Anniescholes_ replied 2325 days ago