Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Either way how would we get the 100 bucks to each other?
Almost everyone
A kitten and so far not yet
Nothing because i am willing to accept my friends for who they are :D <3
With good friends :D
Spiders...... :( D:
I have more then one way that i could have a prefect day
I have no clue
... well then ... I didn't talk about Megan behind her back and i never ignored her if anything she was ignoring me so i asked someone else to see if they knew why she was ignoring me........
I'm not sure about him at the moment
Idk maybe why do you ask?
Flight attendant xD #travelling
>_< maybe stupid dares i don't know........ o.O
At the moment it is Beautiful Pain by Eminem ft Sia
Hey..... Nice to know....
My ringtone is called school and it's on a samsung
Don't wanna answer that because i don't want to offend anyone
I would never be able to choose between my two parents. If it wasn't for them i wouldn't be here today :D and that means a lot to me <3
Humorous, trustworthy, someone that trusts me, kindness and honesty
I have no clue
Excuse me?..... and Hey....
I am not dating anyone :( D:
Hmmm... This is a toughy m8 umm but i have to go with Megan <3 :D
Thanks :D <3
I'm just trying to keep myself safe
Why? And please don't send me requests on different accounts
Do you have any idea what happened between me and this person? And i don't have balls either way because i am a girl not a boy
Okay never mind then :/
Are you serious? I find that really hard to believe...... And since when?
I don't know, probably not
No thank you, I'm fine
Thanks? But how am i supposed to trust you?
No offence but why do you want to talk to me so badly?
Yes because people deserve to live life to it's fullest
Oh.... well I think you know why i blocked you...
Who are you? I have blocked many people...
I'm not sure :|
Do you think i care?
I don't have to answer a question if i do not want to
Who are you and why do you want to know?
I only like 1 person
Boy toy named Troy used to live in Detroit Big dope dealer money, he was getting some coins $
Funny, Smart, Someone i can talk to, Bae 2, Pretty and easy to annoy <3 :D
:D Tbh i do as well... But i am no allowed to talk to you :(
I would ask him if i could re-live my life so that i can still hang out with some people... (you will know who you are when you read this) :D <3
Megan or Logan
I'm not sure
Thnx :D
Thnx <3 who is this?
Aww so sweet <3
haha :P wai you do dis?
sea because i love to swim but the land so that i can't drown...
the average Joe
Umm... okay? Nice to know, why would one of her friends send me something? And why do you want me to delete this?
We have never spoken before
Okay i will answer it.. Tbh her and i haven't had a great history :
Why do you ask?
what do you mean?
I don't know
I don't know i hang out with lot's of great people :D
Mixed emotions
Yes Monique :D
Hi? what do you mean by poos?
Hello Homosapian
yes i do :P
No thnx Hun
i would rather not say on
I have already answered this question
1. Get a pet 2. Get powers 3. World Peace
Yes i have but i am not going to name by who...
i don't know
Okay sure but if i do that i need to know who you are :P
used to be my computer password...
I can't tell you what it really is I can only tell you what it feels like And right now there's a steel knife in my windpipe I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight High off her love, drunk from her hate, It's like I'm huffing paint and I love her the more I suffer, I suffocate And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me She ****ing hates me and I love it. "Wait! Where you going?" "I'm leaving you!" "No you ain't. Come back." We're running right back. Here we go again It's so insane cause when it's going good, it's going great I'm Superman with the wind at his back, she's Lois Lane But when it's bad it's awful, I feel so ashamed I snapped Who's that dude? "I don't even know his name." I laid hands on her, I'll never stoop so low again I guess I don't know my own strength
i don't know who you are
I don't know
Thank you for that lovely acronym :D
someone i know?
Purple or turquoise
yay? but i am in a place where it is still winter :(
why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so...
I have no specific 'bedtime'