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Anna :)


Ask me questions :))

97 Replies

What is something you need to get off your chest?


Annza03 replied 2678 days ago

Who do you hate

emily ♥️

Annza03 replied 2678 days ago 1

5 friends

emily , sarah kk , saffy , nasreen , tayla c , biscuit

Annza03 replied 2696 days ago

2 mains?

emily and kk

Annza03 replied 2721 days ago

Which country are you from and which country would you like to visit ?

australia and would love to go to america or italy

Annza03 replied 2726 days ago

Who are the 3 prettiest girls in your year at school?

my best friend ofc?, taylah , jacinta but mostly everyone is pretty in there own way soo

Annza03 replied 2726 days ago 2

What is your New Year's resolution?

to be fit and healthy ?

Annza03 replied 2736 days ago

Top 5 friends

Idk dude don't really have a top

Annza03 replied 2764 days ago

If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?

well idk

Annza03 replied 2771 days ago

Thoughts xx Jasmine_1252

Used to be so close when we were like 4, have some good memories x your nice , kind and funny :) still can't believe I used to run around naked?

Annza03 replied 2779 days ago 1

What are you sick and tired of?

Being sick ?

Annza03 replied 2780 days ago

How do you push their hands off?

I just do okkkk

Annza03 replied 2780 days ago

Haha ok heres a scenario
You and a rapist are on a tall platform over an abyss. You knock them off but they grab the edge. You see them holding on for dear life. You stand above them looking down at them dangling

In detail what do you do. No weapons

Ummm first of all wtf.. but I would push there hands of and they can die cause they are a Taoist and I don't wanna get raped :/

Annza03 replied 2782 days ago

What makes your life worth living?


Annza03 replied 2788 days ago

How was the year 2016 for you , so far ?

It's been alright??

Annza03 replied 2793 days ago