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Stop thinking about it and just ask

92 Replies

What are you currently worried about?

Nothing my life is all chill

Anonymous17098 replied 2478 days ago

What will you never ever do again?

Tell anyone my favorite music artist

Anonymous17098 replied 2487 days ago

How much money do you need right now and why ?

I need a debit card with unlimited money ????????

Anonymous17098 replied 2494 days ago

You hate Kyle right. We know you snitched

Who's that

Anonymous17098 replied 2508 days ago

Who is your closet friend?

Don't have

Anonymous17098 replied 2508 days ago

What quote do you live by?

Surround yourself with people of good Quality for it is better to be alone than in bad company

Anonymous17098 replied 2517 days ago

What needs to stop ?


Anonymous17098 replied 2522 days ago

What do you wish your parents understood?

That I need a lot of space

Anonymous17098 replied 2533 days ago

What are you afraid to admit you don't understand?

Nothing the world makes sense to me

Anonymous17098 replied 2545 days ago

What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?

Bragging in general tbh

Anonymous17098 replied 2628 days ago

What would you do if you had no fear ?

Lots a things

Anonymous17098 replied 2640 days ago

When were you the most happy and why?

McDonald's last party ? I ever went to

Anonymous17098 replied 2646 days ago

What do you want the most right now?


Anonymous17098 replied 2653 days ago

What could you talk endlessly about?

How I hate my teachers

Anonymous17098 replied 2664 days ago

What specific thing do you dislike about people?

Bad personalities

Anonymous17098 replied 2669 days ago