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Anu5hka .. ♡


? � .. [ D0 IT ] .. :D

91 Replies

Do fish ever get thirsty??

Nahh .. *̩‎ d0nt thiink s0 eyy ..

Anu5h replied 3976 days ago

Jys 'n awesome mens

D∂nkii .. ! ♡ :)

Anu5h replied 3983 days ago

Eet my

H0rii s0 brah .. Eet j0u self 0kyy ?!

Anu5h replied 3984 days ago

:) jys *exy

0kyy ..

Anu5h replied 3984 days ago

Wie het jy nou in die oog ? Jy kan net die ou se letter gee wat sy naam mee begin !

Uhmm .. Niie S̲̅εker niie .. :) ♡ xx

Anu5h replied 3984 days ago

Eet my

Eet j0uself :)

Anu5h replied 3984 days ago

Huw jy van declan

Uhmm .. S00s het Ĵy* al van b0etiie & susie geh00r ?! :)

Anu5h replied 3985 days ago

WeNs jYy wIll mY ...!!! NickyLeeDeWaal

0kyy .. ?! :) xx

Anu5h replied 3985 days ago

A person you lost you would like to see again?

S0me 0ld friends .. Butt naahh n0t iin τњε m00d f0r them :) ♡ xx

Anu5h replied 3985 days ago

wats juw tipe ou??

Uhh .. X_x

Anu5h replied 3986 days ago

JyS darem mAar Een aweSum ƔгiƐndinQii ... ( : ×o×o NickyLeeDeWaal

Aah ! Ĵy* 00k nhe ! ♡ :)

Anu5h replied 3986 days ago

Hey ma nushie hoop jy weet wi dit is ja ds ju blondie hi wil nt se is bja lief vju bly net so awesome en mal oor os hotel periodes en vanmidag ws mal leka lief vju bly awesome vriendin*!!(Hug!!)

Aahw Mahh Bl0ndii .. ♥ liief j0u th0usand tiimes ∞ .. Yea .. Diit was vrek ℓ℮ĸĸ℮ȑ ! 0ns Мǡȁк weer s0 ! =D .. H0tel♡ .. Ĵy* 00k ! ♡ ∞ ♥

Anu5h replied 3986 days ago

Well di mense hi is weird soo wats juw deepest secret

Tell meh ab0ut iit .. :P uhmm *liips are sealed :)*

Anu5h replied 3987 days ago

What grade is the boy juw like a lot

.. Mmm ?! :)

Anu5h replied 3987 days ago

Sal jy ooit met imand uitgan in 8H

Wenii ? .. :)

Anu5h replied 3988 days ago