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I wouldn't want to make the same Mistake but if he proves his change then maybe
He was funny and sweet.... I guess
This might be strange but, bowling pizzas and milkshakes is perfect enough 4 me :) .. its a perfect way 2 have lots of laughs , an enjoyable night and to make loads of memories :) (y) Xx
Engaged at 18?! :/ . How can you make such a serious commitment when you still on school ? In my opinion , you owe it to yourself and your fiancé to be honest about your feelings. You are too young to embark on such a lifelong journey of commitment as you still need 2 find out who you are in the world and enjoy the pleasures of being a young adult ;)Xx
Mmmm If its home made food, then my mommys Chicken Curry :) Take out :G Definitely McDonalds <3
Uhmm ... Nope :) seems fun and I'm curious to see what they ask or say
Aww that's sweet:') thank you kind stranger:$
Trusting a boy who had a girl best friend (n) :/ #never again