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Anuschka Bieber


Ask me anything you like anonymously

9 Replies

How do you feel about dating exes?

I wouldn't want to make the same Mistake but if he proves his change then maybe

AnuschkaOoh replied 4068 days ago

What was your last date like?


AnuschkaOoh replied 4071 days ago

What did you evens see in moegsien?? keefa

He was funny and sweet.... I guess

AnuschkaOoh replied 4071 days ago

What's your idea of a perfect date?

This might be strange but, bowling pizzas and milkshakes is perfect enough 4 me :) .. its a perfect way 2 have lots of laughs , an enjoyable night and to make loads of memories :) (y) Xx

AnuschkaOoh replied 4252 days ago

I'm 18 and I have a BF who is 19 and we've been together now 4 a year and 2months. Now along the way he asked me to get engaged and I said yes. Now thrz this other guy tht treats me right and I've fallen hard! What mus I do?

Engaged at 18?! :/ . How can you make such a serious commitment when you still on school ? In my opinion , you owe it to yourself and your fiancé to be honest about your feelings. You are too young to embark on such a lifelong journey of commitment as you still need 2 find out who you are in the world and enjoy the pleasures of being a young adult ;)Xx

AnuschkaOoh replied 4253 days ago

Wat food do u like

Mmmm If its home made food, then my mommys Chicken Curry :) Take out :G Definitely McDonalds <3

AnuschkaOoh replied 4253 days ago

Don't u think this site is weird?

Uhmm ... Nope :) seems fun and I'm curious to see what they ask or say

AnuschkaOoh replied 4253 days ago

Your Super pretty :) I wish I looked like you

Aww that's sweet:') thank you kind stranger:$

AnuschkaOoh replied 4253 days ago

Worst Mistake You ' ve ever Made ?

Trusting a boy who had a girl best friend (n) :/ #never again

AnuschkaOoh replied 4253 days ago