Is your year going great ?
Not really
How do you want people to treat you ?
Nicely, of course
Why are u a btch -Eli
ELi im sorry ive been a btch recently. I apologize :"( I wont do it again :)
What do you make when you have 2 big balls and one stick?
shish kebab
Which song do you think you repeated the most ?
Demons-Imagine Dragons
If I have two apples and I give one of them to you.
What is the cir***ference of the sun?
all ik is that the cir***ference is less than the cir***ference of eli's belly :;p
What type of people bore you ?
eli like?
Who's your favorite potato?
My grandma's
who do you think will be the member of the year on the frhd forum and the runner/s up?
Pssst and i
Do you like turtles? RMANG0
no never
Why u got to be so rude!
bcuz i want to lol
Have you ever tsunamied Eli's donger?
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
Jurassic World was awesome af and I liked Avengers: age of Ultron. Im goin to see Inside Out next.
What do you hate about yourself ?
What do u like doing more by yourself?
Playin FRHD and BHR
Dream Job ?
Game Developer
Who is your best friend ?
you mean IRL or in FR? In FR its probs cod, skeeny, or end and in IRL its a secret so that u dont stalk me!