Arthur Mccartin
Tell me why u hate those three people at Ringwood heights
Because of u
**** u *****
Is that ment to be a face
Don't u dare ever send a hate word about me. Idiot
You're the idiot
Stop being a ***** or beach or beech
Listen Arthur, If u send a rude and hate words about me u are so in trouble and I will check your account if u send does stuffs
Well your to chicken to say who u are
Remember, always never be stupid boy ok mr who or something
Who are the people u hated at R.H.P.S
Sahand and jared and sarah
If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?
Do u remember our primary school teacher
What is missing in your life?
Xbox one
Were you always friends with Jared G when you first ever meet him and are you still friends with him
How did u become friends with Luke p
Idk meet him at school
Who do u hate the most between Sahand Or Jared
Who are the annoying people that you know from school and be honest
Who are the nicest girls that you know from school
Charli R
Who annoys you a lot at school
What are you looking forward to when starting high school
Getting away from primary school
Who are you going to miss when starting high school
Will C
Who says nice things about u
Noah E
Who says bad stuff about u
Jack C
How did u become friends with Will c
Meat him at cricket
Are u looking forward to going to Norwood Secondary College next year if yes why
HELL YES i wanna get the hell away from primary school
Are u enjoying Ringwood heights so far
Do u know any people that has a crush on someone at Ringwood heights
Who is the next person u want to go out with
Idk it was someone but idk
Who are the people u hate at school and why
Sahand because he is annoying
Who was your first crush at Ringwood heights
I have no idea
Who was your first best friend when you started Ringwood heights
Jack C
Did you enjoy boomtech
Who did u hang out with at boomtech
Luke P, willis, noah
Who's the funniest person in your class
Noah E
Are these the people u hate at school
Jared G Sahand Andrejs Zach Will C Luke P
Who are they
NO what the hell qould i hate luke p and will
Who are the people u never want to see again when u leave to high school
And I'm also sorry about my brother what he send to you? Ok
Why do u like Lola so much
I wouldnt i
Hi bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEY!!! Whoever u ar
Who is the most annoying person in your class
Amongst people you know ,who has the most annoying laugh?
Steph warne
Who do you like better between Charli Lola and Bree
If it is like like i would like lola more but if it is like as a friend it would be charli
What girl do you want to go out next or is there still someone you still want to date
Ummm yea there is a girl but i would rartyar talk to her more
Who is the best girl in your class
Ummmm maybe zara all that i can think of
Who do you like better out of Andrejs and Jared if you think they are so nice
Andrejs because he can control his anger
Who do you know that's going to Norwood next year cause I don't know anyone going
Me, jared, my footy friends,
Do you think andrejs and Jared are nice people to you
Who is your biggest crush and y
Lola, because shes awesome
A person you lost you would like to see again?
U free tomorrow
Ummm i would answer if i knew who it was and its school tomoz
Hey hey hey haha ily
Ok who sent that :| :/ ;)
Who are your best top friends
Who do u hate the most at school and be honest this time
Sahand, pretty honest
whos class is the girl u like in?
Who do u like? (Have to answer, no exceptions!!!!)
I will answer. A girl
r u still going out with bree?
Is Ethan Tsao coming to Ringwood heights
Maybe idk, there are romers about and his said he os goin to try to get in. He will only get in for a got reason and will told miss vella that he is getting bullied at his school so he will get in if he asks
How did you and your best friend meet?
At cricket training
What do u think about immy?
Fit, fast, nice, funny, dirty
What do u think about Lola?
Hot, funny, horney, nice,
What do u think about Jess?
Idk, human, girl, loud, crazy
What do u think about Rhayne?
Hot, nice, funny, crazy, loud,
What do u think about Tess?
Hot, nice, fit, hot,
What do u think about Charlie?
Cute, ardorable, funny, nice, caring
Top 10 girls?
Not in order but i put the good people fist an the orther people last
1. Bree 2. Charli 3. Tess 4. Rhayne 5. Lola 6. Jess 7. Zara 8. Immy 9. Miss vella 10. Andrejs
If you knew you could not fail ,what would you do?
Fail what???
If it was a test i would eat the paper
What do u think about Ethan Tsao?
His got skill his a great friend new him for a lng time and awesome
do u know who any of ur friends like? and who??
Will likes jess
Rhayne likes cooper
I like bree
Charli likes andrejsluke
3 things that attracts you to a person?
Human, girl, hot
Do you think anything will happen between u and Charli?
Maybe idk
How do you tell someone they have bad breath?
Tell then they have bad breath
Do u think anything will ever happen between u guys
Who is it????
who was your first gf?
Zara Z
How long have u liked Charli for?
Ummmmmmm since start of term 3
Do blind people have dreams?
Why the hell wouldnt they
Whos ur best friends
Will constable and luke patsons
Top 3 songs on your current music playlist?
Thank you, cant hold us, and the pitch perfect alburm
Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?
Hell no
Do you support human cloning and why or why not?
Hell no, human cloning in bot even invented yet