Most treasured memories?
All with my mom
Is there a girl that you would leave yezi for?!
Worst thing someone has done to you?? And best thing someone has done for you?❤️
I really don't know
What happened on your fifteenth of feb?? please share???
A start of a huge amazing sometimes rocky adventure🙂
Its so weird you never answer my questions on (qooh)? imma stop asking now
What questions ???
I think we cool but I just don’t how to approach feel like it would cause to many problems ?
Just come at me. I'll be cool??
Won’t lie lowkey miss talking to you ?
I hate having bad blood so just text me?
Worst thing someone said to you?
I don't even know because I just block it out ?
Hey pumpkin pieeeeeee, I love yaaaaaa
Awww Pumpkiinnnnn❤
Love you too
Nx Hayi man!!! Fusegi!??
????nxxx hayyyyiii mannn!!!??
Highlights in 2019 so far?
The year is not looking good and I think it's about to get worse ( exams☺) but the 15th Feb was good
5 things girl wear and you hate
Haven't really noticed anything
Ayee Dm khulani ??
Nah I'm good
You’re ugly ?
You're beautiful ?
No offence bro but you dumb,everyone knows Yezi LOVES Khulani ?. Yet you post her and stuff but that girl don’t even LIKE you yikesss??? just trying to help you not look like a fool cause thatswhat you like atm and everyone knows
What’s the best way to describe you?
I really don't know
Jah, You with Stella or Yezi??
??????????I'm so dead
Which song reminds you of someone you love?
Lucid dreams
If you had to eat something for the rest of your life , what would it be ? ?
No girl likes a guy that hugs every girl in school. Your GIRLFRIEND or whatever probably gets disgusted cause of you ?
Why you so observant of me?
Think I got myself a fan?❤
Ayt “which one” do you miss then?
Ok I don't necessarily miss that person, I just miss the way we talked. We was goofy asf and could literally talk about anything and have fun with it. Rarely serious
Do you think ‘teenage’ love can be true love and can be worth fighting for?
Yea I rate it can for both aspects but you'd have to be mentally ready or should I say focused and one of the most important things I think is needed is consistency. People who switch up on you everyday are such a turnoff yoh!! Know what you want and then stay focused on that.
Do you miss your ex?
Depends which one
Best people in your life?
My mom's number 1 !!
Urm what school does the person you like go to???
My school
How many hook ups so far this year?
Technically, none
Have you ever been truly in love? Or are you currently in love? ?
Yea I think so
Spending money on substances and food, I'd be really rich!!
Name 3 people you trust
Name 5 people you trust
Name three people you trust
Name Three ppl you trust ?
Name Three ppl you trust ?
Name three people you trust
I only really trust my mom.
Like my real mom!
If someone offered you R1 million to break up with your gf , would you do it?
Without a doubt!!!!!!!????
Dude just say who you like then why do you have qooh me if you won’t answer questions. Okay what school does she go to? CNC?
Relaxxxx , why you getting touched
Still have a crush on lelo?
I think you got the wrong person bro
What should be free , but isn’t?
Animals- I mean free as in free of people and cages
urhm who do you like?
Come on
urhm who do you like?
Really dude!
urhm who do you like?
Alotta people
urhm who do you like?
Alotta people
Last lie you told?
"Yea I have some money at home"??
Whose your valentine?
I'm not really big on the valentines thingy
Who do you like?
It's kinda obvious but dm I'll tell ya
How was ya burfday ?
It was average?
Are you single? If yes, how long ya been single?
Since like last year
What turns you off in a person?
Lack of interest
What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?
Going out every single weekend geez niggas gotta get his alone time sometimes
What don’t you like about yourself?
I get cranky sometimes for no reason and I get angry real quick
Keen for anyone ?
Vday is around the corner ey ??♀️☄️?
Coming with alotta changes?
How did y’all meet?
Who and who
I sent you a qooh me looong ago for advise but you neva respond even today
I'm really sorry. I've looked for it now but can't find it. Ask anytime you want
Hey my biscuit, I miss youuu♡♡♡
Favourite Club?
I don't go clubbing
I love you halfie ❤️?
Love ya too❤?
?under , kambe Sishada nini ??
Ay angiboni??❤
If you’re waiting for the waiter , aren’t you the waiter ?? //?under?
Do you love this sht ?Are you high right now ?Do you ever get nervous ? (Of course you do ?)Are you single ? (No you mine forever mwhahahahahahahahahahahah ??) -kween?
Yes yes yes yes (NO???)
Have you ever been on a trip where they pulled over for the guys to have a pee but wouldn't stop at a bathrooms for the girls?
Reason being that Girls take like 10 minutes to piss but anyway no
Bish who else either than who?
Relaxxxxxx. The person knows?
Are you a player?
I can barely get a girl let alone GIRLS.
So no.
Bishhhh kendall is better
Yea she is???
Kylie and Kendall Jenner?☇
You are AMAZINGGG even tho you stepped on a squished banana ❤❤??? loves you
Love you, you chop?❤
Who made your 2018 better?
Difficult to say because there were ppl who were there when the year started who aren't here now and ppl who are here now who weren't there when it started
Name ANY 6 girls that you like (as a friend or as a crush doesn’t matter)* be honest
Can ex lovers be friends without pretending or anything ? Just genuine friendship or is it better to part paths
I feel that they can be genuine friends although fellings might pop back up but yea
Name one lie your ex told?
"I'll love you forever"??
Your five big/gest regrets yet??
Growing up
Having a phone
Comparing one self to others
Pursuing girls
when did you find out you’re gay?
Not gay
Why R u so mean towards ur sisters?
I'm introducing them to the real world before hand?
What kind of girls do you like??
The ones I can't have but atleast I have one of those and she's amazing.
Who are you dating?
Noone yet
Guess who this is ❤️
I want to cuff yezi
You can try
We don't talk anymore brooooooo what happened ?
I don't talk to alotta ppl now but message me
longest relationship ?
I think 4 months, bare in mind that I've only been in 3 relationships
Afta all that you still go back to her youmuch more stupid than I thought. Have you ever dated other hun except for yezi???Cos it seems like you’re a stuck recrd do know actually lemme not say nun!! Uzobona ?? shot my man (no Homo?)
Okay cool lol?
Are you considering switching schools or ya gonna stay at CNC till grade 12? If ya switch , which school will you vy to next ?
I don't think so
are you gonna cuff Yezi or no. Because I do.
Because you do what??
What's stef to u?
She's aloooootttttttt??
Which your favourite soccer club ?
Barca, is that even a question???