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Ashlee ✌


Hey there :) I'm bored I'm guessing your bored to so ask me a question...?

318 Replies

Who do u like? ;) courtjane28


Ash_PG_ replied 4159 days ago

Tbh Izzy.B

Honestly she is really smart like holy ****! She's actually really niceee I mean we used to be best friends but things changed umm funny personality and yeahhh :)

Ash_PG_ replied 4176 days ago

Why are being such a b**** to Izzy?

I'm not

Ash_PG_ replied 4176 days ago

Why do u hate serene? She is so nice to every one and never says things behind people's back

Wtf? I don't hate serene f***** serene is amazing and I love her you have no idea what happened so can you like piss off???

Ash_PG_ replied 4181 days ago

Why are you annoying Izzy?

I'm not, we are besties

Ash_PG_ replied 4189 days ago

Why were you crying with sid,lain and serene?

Don't worry, friendship problems kik me if you really want to know xx

Ash_PG_ replied 4189 days ago

I agree with the second top one...


Ash_PG_ replied 4189 days ago

Why are you still friends with laine and sid, after how mean they were to you, and you still stick by them? And btw you're sticking up for bullies

What the actual ****?! How where they mean? There my ****ing best friends! Don't ever speak **** about them again! There not bullies what the ****?! **** OFF!

Ash_PG_ replied 4199 days ago

Why do u act like evervyones friend on instagram, kik, snapchat, etc. and in real life you don't even talk to them?

I do talk to people...?

Ash_PG_ replied 4199 days ago

You're abit of a Bit** in person because you try acting cool and mean so you can get into the popular group but lighten up because it's not going to happen on kik you act nice but you are a really Bit** so don't go into the populars and realise your Bit**iness

Lol your funny <3 I actually don't wanna get into this 'popular group' and how am I acting 'cool and mean' I'm just being myself....? Do I actually act nice on kik because that's just how I usually am..? And thanks :)) xoxox ily

Ash_PG_ replied 4235 days ago

Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?


Ash_PG_ replied 4243 days ago

Life is a rollercoaster

I know :))

Ash_PG_ replied 4243 days ago

Why are you mean


Ash_PG_ replied 4244 days ago

Do you support human cloning and why or why not?

What's human cloning? Haha

Ash_PG_ replied 4245 days ago

I sooooooo thrashed u in UNO ;D IM WIDE AWAKE TONIGHTTTTTTTTT :')

I one once as well ;)

Ash_PG_ replied 4245 days ago