Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
My best friends <3
My grandfather
I would probably miss you if I knew who this was
Please die lonwabo
Temia Marcus,Jasmine Samuels & Taylin Nass
My whole life is an embarrassing moment :/ true story
Yes I did...but I wont say who
Oh yeah I do have you...tag me
Titanic...and lots of others
Uhhh I'd love to if I could...:/
Do I like chocolate toppers? No....I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM...and yeah it was on my bbm status so...
Oh hey Kaye...:D you think??? :/ tag me back
Kiara....:| only u use that much symbols...or who else could it be???
Uhhh watched so many :/ but its probably gonna be the movie coming out end of the month...This Is Us by One them :)
Do I know you??? :/
What kind of question is that??? I LOVE CHOCOLATE :D
It would probs be Niall,Zayn or Liam...well I would like all of know anyone would...