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Ask me anything you like anonymously

27 Replies

Hey Ashy I hope everything is going well ,,, u are amazing nd I love u sussa ;)

*Hello_☺ uhmmm...jah I also hope so* love uu too_♡

Ashiiy replied 4144 days ago

Thankyoou for a awesOme weekend*!
Stayy awesOme susaQ

Thankoo susaQ* had an amaziing weekend!* stay thee amazing person uu is* love Uu Lots_♡

Ashiiy replied 4144 days ago

Ashy ur so awesome :D love u

LOL...thankoo*;)love uu to:)

Ashiiy replied 4144 days ago

Who's your favourite big white brother in the world? Hehe

Lou is_!!!*

Ashiiy replied 4144 days ago 1

°̩ l♥νÈ Ū

Nxaww* thankoo...who uu?☺ping me please*

Ashiiy replied 4151 days ago

Can't waiit for Tomorrow niight*
Goiing to be rockiing*:p
Lovee youu* ♡Xxx

Oh yeah! Love uu_♡

Ashiiy replied 4159 days ago

Hey Ashy
All I Wanna Say Is ...
Stay Amazing
;) :D MilanJ

Nxaaw_♡thanx Milano* Love uu Bro!*

Ashiiy replied 4161 days ago

Hey Ashton I love u:D guess who??? :]Y :D retard:D

Helloo :p..uhmm...isit Tami?*

Ashiiy replied 4172 days ago

Ashton! You are loved by me! Stay awesome don't worry about the other f***ers! You are awesome && α strong soldier! ♡ when life give you lemons...well you can decide what to do with them neh :) ;) Vernique101

Aww* dankie Nixx_♡liefies jouu lots!!!

Ashiiy replied 4172 days ago

Hey Ashton ur so nice looking & awesome but I'm scared to talk to u :'(

Hey..uhmm..who are you?

Ashiiy replied 4172 days ago 1

Heyy girl I hate u |•


Ashiiy replied 4172 days ago

Ashton why don't u reply to any of my bbms:( last time u spoke to Me was in Febuary:::(((

Who are you?

Ashiiy replied 4172 days ago

Who did u date or dating nd why? addi101

No one!

Ashiiy replied 4185 days ago

Hay Ashton its me anonymous I hav a crush on u and I was jeolus wen u dated Bevan Ritchie but the problem is that I'm black ur truly:ur Lover

Who are you?*

Ashiiy replied 4196 days ago

If u wake up @ 2:00 in the morning is the 85% chance sumtinz lookin @ u

ℓσℓ °̩ don\'t wake up when °̩ sleep °̩ sleep...°̩\'ll only wake up the next morning

Ashiiy replied 4197 days ago