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576 Replies

If you had one wish what would it be?


Ashipoos replied 3176 days ago

How do you think you are most likely to die?

You never know

Ashipoos replied 3183 days ago

What does success mean to you?


Ashipoos replied 3185 days ago

Did u hear apparently Krystal was told to kill her self again buy a guy apparently she gonna do it tomorrow night!Someone needs to talk her out of it. Not that u care anyways. Idk why I'm telling u LOL but bc u hate u you should know u wish is coming true ?

Haha wtf? I never said I hated her. Of course I care. Maybe not as much as I used to but I do still care. No my wish is not coming true because her killing herself was never my wish. Please grow up and get a life

Ashipoos replied 3204 days ago

If you could have anyone locked in a room so you can torment them for a day, whom would you choose and how would you torment them?

Hmmm. I actually really don't know. There's alot i would like to torment and alot of ways. Hard to choose just one

Ashipoos replied 3207 days ago

What one thing do you need to do next?

A pee

Ashipoos replied 3212 days ago

If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?

My boyfriends or my mums

Ashipoos replied 3220 days ago

What is your idea of perfect happiness ?

Having my own family

Ashipoos replied 3233 days ago

Jesse walker and kristal harbour are dating! Mawwwwww. Kidding there not: if she dates him I'll brake her neck. xxxxxxx

Break her neck? Just because she is dating someone? Please grow up and get a life. If you haven't noticed me and kristal aren't friends so stop posting on my qoohme about her. I don't need to know.

Ashipoos replied 3236 days ago

Who do you look up to and why ?

Batman. Because he's great

Ashipoos replied 3239 days ago

What's under your bed?


Ashipoos replied 3246 days ago

hahahah why do you want her to look at daynas qhme not like she has anything to hide

~ Roxy

Who the hell are you?

Ashipoos replied 3249 days ago


Does it look like i really care?

Ashipoos replied 3250 days ago

What cheers you up ?

My family, friends and boyfriend

Ashipoos replied 3250 days ago

Would you rather be ugly and live forever or Hot and live for a year ?

Ugly and live forever

Ashipoos replied 3253 days ago