What makes you genuinely happy?
My bf
What or who , do you think about the most ?
My poppy
What do you envy about the opposite $ex?
They get to be fu.ckboys and we don't we get called ****s :(
I'm sorry you think that bcos I honestly couldn't give a fu.ck what you think :)
What is something that people might not like about you?
How honest I am hahaha
You're beautiful!
Thanks darling xoxo
When was the last time you got angry and why?
Today, because of back stabbing pieces of Sh.it
What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?
Who do people always say you look like?
My mum or dad
If you could forget one thing, what would it be?
Hmm there's a few
Your current mood ?
shtty and tired
Your most embarrassing moment ?
fck knows
What are you terrible at ?
What am I good at lol
What do you want for xmas ?
My happiness back ?
What got you upset recently?
One person in particular
Which song describes your mood today ?
Dunno but I've listened to love yourself bout 1000 times so it'll do
If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which would you choose?
Where do you want to be living in 10 years?
Somewhere with a beach with my loving hubby
What was the happiest moment in your life?
I've had a few but probably a night with Blaize or Jake
How would your friends describe you?
What are friends?
What are you passionate about?
What life lesson did you learn today ?
to not trust anyone
What was the last thing that got stolen from you?
Phone charger
How many doors do you have at your house?
One word to describe your Ex
How do you plan on ending this year ?
With real friends ????
What turns you off ?
Rude & two faced people
And fake friends lol
What are you trying to prove to yourself?
That I'm not an alien
I love you sooooo much and just thought you should know. Do you love me?
Thanks hahah but nah I don't sorry
What is your purpose ?
How many kids would you like to have ?
How do you think you are most likely to die?
Skin cancer
If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Stop crying
Whats your addiction?
Maccas sundaes and steak
What is your idea of living the good life?
Be positive, love your life be happy
How many hearts do you think you have broken ?
3 unfortunately
Your song of the day?
The fix
What one thing do you need to do next?
Get a massage
What’s the most marvellous thing you have ever seen ?
No idea
What do you want most out of life?
To make the most of it, life isn't long so do everything that I can
If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?
I wish I could say my pop but as he isn't here anymore my mum dad sister, Blaize Emily abb
If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
What is your current state of mind?
Fu.cking horrible
I still love you
Naw, who is you
Bet it did go further lol
Do you just lol well that's your opinion
Initials of the last 5 guys you hooked up with?
Don't Remember the last 5
Did your kiss with D.S go any further? Do you like him?
Nope, he's a friend... Lol
What is your idea of perfect happiness ?
I'm everyone's ideal happiness
Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?
Eyes & lips
What cheers you up ?
Emily & abbey & Blaize & ally & Tahlia & gabby & my dog
Would you rather be ugly and live forever or Hot and live for a year ?
Ugly and love forever
What is your current mood and why ?
Angry, because I got no sleep
Describe your life in 3 words
Unexpected, full of fun, and sick as fu.ck
Why should people love you ?
I'm loveable person
What is the greatest thing about being single ?
Not fighting all the time over stupid Shi!t
What's missing in your life ?
My poppy
Is your year going great ?
Yeah it is actually
How do you want people to treat you ?
With respect
Rate yourself out of 10
Which song do you think you repeated the most ?
Nooo ideaaa
What type of people bore you ?
People that can't take a joke and people that correct you ever 7 seconds
Just from your pic, I could make a list of what not to hate. Pacer
Well thanks
What do you hate about yourself ?
I pretty much hate like 99.9% of myself lol
What do you want right now ?
All this drama to stop lol
How do you deal with a break up ?
Not very well
Are you a selfish person ?
Thoughts about Game of thrones season 5 finale ?
Never seen it
How do you deal with someone with bad breath?
Offer them chewy or tell the fuc.ker to brush there teeth
What activity always makes you lose track of time?
Music or doing my makeup
What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?
Hunter Clayton
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
This is an odd question
If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?
Pretty fu.cking happy
You Are So Pretty
Oh thank you so much
If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?
Emily, I'd make her drive me around everywhere and clean my room
What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?
2 days
If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?
Who was the last person to break your heart ?
Who was your first crush ?
Omg I can't even remember
What profession would you not like to do?
Be a garbage person
Something you regret buying and why ?
Nothing's coming to mind
What was your first cellphone ?
A Nokia something
What could you talk about forever?
What makes you happy?
Tbh not a lot, there's a few people who know who they are but besides that ffs fu.ck all
What was your dream yesterday?
A super power you wished you had and why ?
All of them bc I'm fabulous
Whats the one thing you cannot forgive ?
I can't stand being lied to. Especially by friends lol
A friend you once had a crush on ?
Money or Loyalty ?
Whats the thing you liked the most about your Ex ?
I liked everything
iPhone,ipad and ipod users ,are you using IOS7 or IOS8 ?
What gives you peace?
Being alone in a quiet place
What do you spend your money on the most ?
Hair or makeup
How do you deal with failure?
I don't
How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?
I feel really sorry for them and want to help them
Favourite age you've been so far and why ?
Probably 15- 16 just all the memories and adventures!