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Ashley Spataro


Go for it xx

141 Replies

im a just call u purple then coz its shorter and easier to say xx

Kay ;)

AshleySpataro replied 3722 days ago

Purple people eater lol

I seem to have picked up that name

AshleySpataro replied 3739 days ago 1

Wow. VictoriaSergi

Wow backward is also wow

AshleySpataro replied 3739 days ago

Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?

If I had CPR down pact, then yes, definitely. As if you wouldn't

AshleySpataro replied 3740 days ago

Thoughts? x hollywitte

You're so easygoing and good to have a random chat or whatever! You're also gorgeous and so funny xx

AshleySpataro replied 3741 days ago 1

Thoughts on us xx VictoriaSergi

Tweedle twat

AshleySpataro replied 3741 days ago

You're hair is perfect!!! Exactly how I want it xx

Awwh, thankyou! xx

AshleySpataro replied 3741 days ago

Thoughts? xxxx caseeyjoyxo

You're beautiful, like, absolutely stunning! You are so fun to be around and can liven up any situation. I love you gorgeous xxxx

AshleySpataro replied 3741 days ago

Thoughts? xx Tbag

I think I've already done this and it's still the same, funny, caring and absolutely beautiful xx

AshleySpataro replied 3741 days ago

Thoughts on ebony?

Nice girl, don't speak much though

AshleySpataro replied 3741 days ago

Thoughts? x just_emilyxo

You are so f*cking beautiful and fun, you just seem to get me no matter what and I just love you to bits! You're perfection xxxxx

AshleySpataro replied 3753 days ago 1

What have you lied about lately ?

Can't remember

AshleySpataro replied 3753 days ago

Who are you dating?

Ryan Gosling, duh

AshleySpataro replied 3765 days ago

Jarrod you asking all these qeustions about me and Ash?


AshleySpataro replied 3773 days ago

One thing you like about yourself?

If it's a feature then lips

AshleySpataro replied 3773 days ago