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Go to bed
When I was younger with my papa because I was so care free and I didn't need anything or anybody else besides him.
Playing rugby?
To be w my boy❤
A vacation since ya next year
A few people bc they're kinda annoying and bc they won't leave me alone and I'm in a happy relationship and don't wanna ruin it
That people take what you give for granted and it s*cks?? But sht happens?
My boy
Because it's a beautiful day
Why am I so good at being a dckhead? I don't know. Maybe it's just a friendly habit of mine? Who knows
Canada I'd like to visit Europe
Anything that won't fall apart on me in the first few years
To get skinnier? So not eating junk or stuffing my face all the time
If they do something gross while they're in my presence for example.. picking their nose, burping obnoxiously or shtting themselves. I mean I don't care later on but you know.. first impressions are always good?
When people ask if I'm actually native. I can't help it that I'm white but btch I got a status card still so yes I'm native
A small loan of a million dollars.
My bff❤️
That snapchat ended my streak with jenna meanwhile we talked all day yesterday!! WTF.
Being an A$$hole to people ?
The hot guys
Relaxed and tired
This semester
Seeing who's all gonna stay in my life
The motivation from my friends and family
Has it's ups and downs
That I cheated on my ex? That sht is hilarious af
Someone who tries to control me before and during a relationship. That's a NOOOO
Buy a car or take a vacation *
My first year working at reapers realm❤️
Becoming single??
Haven't thought about that
"Just. Do. It." -Shia LaBoeuf
A very amazing person did :)
Scratching their butt then sniffing it?
Yeah, it definitely made my day. :)
I'd say it's pretty great. I have a great family and amazing friends and I've got food too. So it's fabulous being me
Seeing whose gonna stay in my life lol
That 'N Sync broke up...
Bc i spend all my money on stupid sht
I'd probably die from shock bc I'm too young for a lottery ticket
Drive a car by myself and go to taco Bell
William bc he's my bff, and Jenna bc shes my twin, and my Papa bc he's always there for me
I would name it something for a reason that I don't know
Yeah I was kinda sweaty, sorry
My homie and they know who they are
I don't remember
If they're racist, or if they complain about every single thing that's happening to them
Tbh everything rn
Omg didn't get this at first but omg u poor thing???
Bc our conversations are dry af and they always wanna talk but I got nothing to say
Quick af?
That I can actually be rly nice if I'm in a good mood
Respect, charm
My lack of confidence
My obsession
Oml hahaha I will try and stop on my way there what kind?
Why do u need to know?
U need to get off
No ?
My family
Captain underpanties so can try N marry captain America
No worries:)
Thank you so much.❤❤❤
Definitely (autocorrect helped me)???
Saggy A$$ panties for Christmas last year ?
I get scared of the toaster
Not telling bc then everyone will know
That I ate the whole box of cookies that she just bought for herself
I've changed a lot, hopefully for the better
Tbh there's only one who's completely crazy. Hes crazy for breaking up w me??? ahahha jk I'm glad because he's the biggest fûçk boy anyways. Don't need that in my life✊?
Not even sure.
3008 you're so 2000 late
Things I want right now :
•my own car
•good grades
•playing ball
•perform in the variety show
•new makeup
•for my new glasses and contacts to come in
•a new phone
•cuddle buddy
And that's only the start of my list?
Thinking about people
None of your business buddy??
People not taking the variety show seriously.
When people don't use correct punctuation or don't have decent grammar
When I looked at u.
If the board changed their decision and kept scits open.
Nope still single buddy?
Uhhhh most likely getting back with ex's .
Answer what?
Hahahah ew, who even uses that anymore what are ya 10???
Build a wall between USA and Canada because that seems like a "good idea".
It happens, not proud of it tho
Honestly everything! I couldn't be happier ???
Who's Brendan? If you're talking about Brennan, personally I don't really care but I'm really glad he's happy now:)
sht don't phase me brotha
Laughing my A$$ off w Jenson and Conor
How to eat a cupcake properly..
Justin Trudeau because he's perfect and gorgeous AF????
That I'm annoying ?
Global warming
Losing my mom
That I cheated on chase in grade 9?
In civics we watched" the blood diamond " I cried