Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
George of the jungle
Anyone who would take on for me
You have to wait till school starts
Ice cream
Wet day timetables
No don't be haha? If you want a conversation message me
Hello? Why don't you message me somewhere else haha
No, why do people think I'm moving schools bahaha
Idk it wouldn't be the same ?
You know what's kinda gross is someone aka you creates a fake account just so they can write hate **** on other peoples, because you don't have the guts to confront them hahah your a joke btw I who you are so yeah now I know what kind of a shiit human being you are ahahha yeah 1 for ash jancemiddlebrooke-2345660000000000
Jesus lol
No, Santa buys the presents duh
Yes I'm looking forward to christmas thanks for asking
Getting things wrong
No, hahaha I, soooooo annoyed!
It's not your fault, I actually don't know what half of it is, but thankyou! Your a kind human
Bæ, food and cuddles
Steph stay away from me haha
I'm sure, you seem very interested to find out..... Ahha who are you!?
You are cooler! Who are you, please message me and tell me who you are :-)
Yeah white and alive waz appenin
... Don't know what to say
Go away
Nawww thankyou u xx Seriously don't be I have found leaves and bread crumbs in it today it's serioulsy a net. I refer to it like its a person haha
Random Speak to steph
AHHH what?! Who are you seriously piss off Don't put words in my moth when your on anon ok? Your on anon. Not telling anyone who you are so why do you think you can say that! Sorry but come on let me know
It's not to do with me go sort it out with steph ok, Hun?
Um ok ?
Dingle dangle omgnhe just AHHH
Thankyou so much! I would love to see you in person, actually know I woudnt because of your ugly mouth. How could you just say this when, like what happens if I was suicidal like I could just commit and you know what you could be held responsible so I will just let that sit on your concours for a little bit and see how you feel! People like you re pretty baby worse than half of the criminals out there, like really!? This makes me so angry this is why teenagers commit suicide, get depression and want to die, how could you just write this it breaks my heart that there are people like you out there because you are a disgrace and really your a hopeless human by saying this! You probably think I'm going to look bad when in reality, how I see it is that you are the bad person......thankyou for making me cry your a top human
$230 I think??
Nawwww thankyou britnet you brought tears to my eyes, I'm kind of going insane at people though gaha
If you don't see me on a day to day basis then how come you have such a big issue with me, just unfollow me if you dislike me with such a passion. My parents work hard for their money and so do I, I pay for most of my things ok! Stop putting your mouth where it doesn't belong. I'm just going to stop replying to you because my families money is nobody's issue except for mine! Tegan, Courtney, mole, Emily and more < btw I know your going to tell me to prove it, so save it cause honestly go spend your time doing something else....
I have heaps of friends, obviously your not one of them! I wanted to go to a public school and I still do! Go do something better with your time or else you won't have any friends. Btw why is this all my fault? Don't blame this on me I hate the school I go to and seriously considering somewhere else
I took it off my bio
Who even are you? Go do something else wittthhhhhhhh your tiiimmmmeee. You don't even know the full story so go away
It's not about I could car less about it idc! It's real life I'm talking about, if you have such an issue maybe unfollow me.....?
Sorry, but when they say 'more than 3 friends' it makes me think their trying to make it look like I have no friends.......?
Good for you!
No you can do it yourself
I know who you are, hope you had a good day!
102 so I get a card from the queen
I'm not saying it's not expensive, I'm saying I'm not rich omg go away I don't need to explain my families financial status to you hahah wtf
Do you even know what rich is! If I was "rich" I woudnt be living in emerald or going to beaconhills or my family woudnt have a mortgage on the house hahha, who's stupid now? I don't care what people are saying go ahead I just think it's a selfish act and a way of not just my time but yours too. I got so people could know more about me not write these stupid things when they don't even know what their talking about ok hahahah and go away if you don't want me to complain hahah this is funny
Ok, I like that dress so I wear it
Totally, I'm an outfit repeater and Idc. Hahahah you really took the time write this down and ask me hahah.
Oienxxjwdnxiuwnexunweljcnwdjchhwejl dlwcocladk cicodwncoudciuenfcoje fegk j ejdoa. Ioad. Ok ad daioidancoijacnoidouncwdonjwdojncjnconadhcbdwhbkhbchfbjhfebvhfebvihbefv
Thankyou, again
Hahahha it took me ages to realise *ash
You hurt my feelings too, by writing this! tell me who they are, all this does is make me feel like Shi t. Seriously don't you have something better to do?
26 :)))))))
Pink nail polish
Thanks dayle, this helps :)
?? Thanks, but your the awesome one haha
Thank you I like my hair too, well I know at least one person likes me :) x
As if you have the guts to say this, it really annoys me I'm on a holiday with my family and of course your here to ruin it. I wonder what people would think of you if you actually showed your name on here go away your ruining my mood
Spoilt wtf Go somewhere else your not wanted here Ranga? Really? It's called a hair colour not a personality
Oh thankyou? Hahaha
Thanks steph :)
Inhox me on Facebook or unblock me?
Go ahead I know I do. It would be great to know who these people are, I can't do anything not knowing who they are an trust me I know who they are it's quite obvious who they are and who you are too. Oh just talk to me about it like what is this going to do tell me that some people that I don't know think I'm a b i t ch? Like thanks for ruining my day. Next time message me
Regret shark - Bob Marley
Spicy food
Wash the car.
Yes, yes I do
Bob and frank
Who are you ? Your on anonymous but yet you have the guts to calll me that hahha have you checked yourself, I bet you have flaws too, everyone does!. Message me if you want to hear both sides of the story because you have only 'heard' one. Ty
Tbh I have no idea were both in the wrong with eachother I think? Idk ask her yourself m8
Aghhhh this makes me worried one of them might see, :/ daddy is my fave