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I honesty forgot that I even had this account... I have never thought about making a *exual snapchat, so i'm not sure what it would take.
Haha thanks
i don't know, i'm not dead.
I don't know.. I'm not blind. Although... Dreaming has to do with the imagination not vision...
define 'lesbian experience'?
not for the past six months :)
Thankyou, you fine piece piece of human.
lol, which school?
i haven't been going to school, ive been saving to do my course. im not planning on working at woolies for a lifetime.
nice to see you judging me like your opinion matters, your so tough anon.
are we talking yoga?
timtam cheesecake!
you'd have to ask him.
it was a little painful, but it was very intimate and special because it was with someone whom I love.
nearly six months.
apple juice. icecream. changes regularly, atm... baby dont cut. andddd, not sure yet!
my sisters keeper.
No, I don't believe so.
Hey there, I'm alright, you?
hey there ;)
I always loved the idea of lunch or dinner and a walk along the beach. But a simple candle lit dinner at home or a picnic can be very sweet.
Chicken is so much better than I remembered! :)
& I'm not really that into labels, I don't really miss it, as my eating habits have hardly changed.
Ummm, my uncle makes the most amazing lime cheesecake, but I don't know the recipe.
Other than that, not sure, sorry!
Haha, good! I enjoy going a couple of times a week, it's a good way to spend free time :)
I don't really buy food from school, I usually bring my own from home.
Lol... Why would people make up rumours about the se* lives of others?
k. :(
I don't know him very well, seems like a nice enough bloke, with a good sense of humor :)
Aidan isn't a bad mate, and he's fun to chill with.
I love you too babey. <3
Sean is amazing. I don't know where to begin...
He's funny, intelligent, cute, thoughtful, kind, caring, respectful, a lot of fun to be around, se*y, compas*ionate, sweet and everything that I could ever ask for. I am so lucky to be with him and have the opportunity to be by his side. We don't always agree on everything, but we do understand each other, like two wall flowers. I love him, so much.
i said it wasn't...
awwww, if this is who i think it is, i love ya too beautiful girl! you're amazing, and i'm glad we met xx
I dated Nicholas for three months in year eight. It wasn't a terrible experience, and he wasn't a bad guy to me, but yeah, it was just alright.
he is alright. a nice person to be friends with.
thanks! :)
aw, thankyou! :)
Freedom & adult learning environment
I don\'t
someone\'s paying close attention...
I have no idea.
who are you to make judgments on how i perceive myself, when clearly you don\'t know me at all...
Lol what?
We just kind of grew apart.
I wasn\'t with my boyfriend when I asked my partner to deb.
My family, my friends & my boyfriend.
The people that I love.
what do you mean \'how did he cope\'? whats there to cope with?
i\'m not really sure, a few years I guess.
\'uni life\' was hash tagged in that photo because i was on lunch break with my friends from RMIT and we found the most amazing cheesecake. And yet, i can\'t remember where we got it :/
Just before a month.
Woolworths :)
Yes. I live with my dad :)
Sure, don\'t see why not
i don't know. i didn't ask for it. i wish that i didn't.
yes, depression
maybe you're right, but who by ? :P
lol, ikr.
at work?
ahaha, thanks ;)
mm, more than likely :P
ask him?
Why are you telling me then?
...what's the worst that can happen?
i'm waiting for someone special :)
yes, i do miss it...
choice :P
money doesn't buy happiness, it may come close but money is temporary. I like to live my life to the fullest, and time is of the essence.. if I hate all the time in the world, i could really live. <3
--> you should watch the film "IN TIME" :)
im curious as to who you are... inbox me? :)
that is one of the most amazing kid's i know..
he's one of my best mate's, and my brother and my deb partner <3
nothing at the moment.. am trying to quit.
Peter's a really good bloke, funny & great to talk to :)
haha, thanks buddy!
he's amazing and smart and respectful and funny and se*y and perfect. He's an amazing bloke and with a heart of gold. <3
but, i'm not going to tell you his name, :)
-that's a secret!
i love you too baby!
-call me ;)
valid point.
have a nice day (:
awww, thanks. your cute... just sayin' :P
beats me :S