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Who keeps on asking me this??
Ahmm... Well that really depends...**
No shi* hey...*
The world...?* /:
Me, myself and I :D
Haha awwh CuTe aS aLwAys hEy,,,* :p
In the wise words of Gandhi - *...GTFO...* /:
MiSsiNg yOu aLsO mEe *C*rAzY SiS,,, KeeP oN bEiNg aWeSoMe hEy....**
If you're meEe ♥PeaNuT♡, theN yeS...* ;)
SuuuRe,,,* buT mEe CaNnoT die..
*....NoOo idEa....*
Not many people knoW thAt *SoNg*.... BuT aWeSoMe..!!
Na-uh,,, iT's SHPDaRBbW... Pfft aMaTeuR :P
StOp BeiNg wEiRd *B*.... You juSt ToLd mE thAt
An aWeSoMe *P*eRso*N*
I hAvE noOo iDeA...* :0
Screw iT, LeT's dAnCe
If you know me, you'll know the answer :D
Ahm... No thanks?
HeY hEy...* SoRrY I aLwAyS *tRy* tO rEpLy...* PiNg meEe SoMeTiMe oR sOmeThiNg :D
The shE-devil hated my friends, for no reason at all... So iT wAsn'T GoiNg toOo wOrK ouT
Keep your distance,,, TheN wE cAn pArtY aNd fReaK ouT & shiZz :0 AlaSkA iS aWeSoMe
NoOo meEe BeLiEveS nO *LieS* :P buT I aLsO miSseD yOu tOdAy *C*,,,, LovE yOu aLsO *C*rAzY*...
That'S suCh aN well kEpT seCreT,,, thAt eVeN I dOn'T kNoW :0
Err... SurE tHey'Re aWeSoMe I gueSs...*
ReMeMbeR tHe *PeRsoN*,,, BuT nOt thE NaMe....**
#HeyYy# *C*,,, LoVe yOu mOre cRaZy _ kEeP oN kEePiNg oN :P
ErRr... RoCkiN' DoTs..(Y)
Ahmm... " Don't go changing" buT really, ping me or something, no idea who this is
I never make mistakes,,,* 'Nuff sAiD**
Haha heyYy,,,* I soOo hAvE tO aGrEe WiTh yOu theRe,,, buT kEeP oN bEiNg aWeSoMe chiCk..!!**
You asked me this yesterday :/ I still dislike you...
HeyYy *C*, LoVe YoU 2 hEy,,,** KeEp oN bEiNg aWeSoMe :P
*,,I'm gReAt tHanKs,,*
HeY hEy,,,* HoW *yOu*..?
I wondeR whErE I hEaRd thiS BeFoRe,, *L*
*...Hmm no iDeA...*
It says I should have rather done that....* and nothing happened we only chilled
One, seven, 42! Stop confusing meEe..!!** it'S sAturDaY oKaY..
That. Is. So :| aWeSoMe..!!** SaTerDaY hEy..!
That sounds better,,,* haha nAa iT's all cOoL
*,,,Piss off already,,,*
Well I see you're a sadist,,,*
Dude you're weird...* anD NoThiNg HaPpeNeD..!**
Cause suffix, that's why.
AlwAyS will,,,,* YoU ToOo *R*..
That makes,,,* No SeNsE aT all....** BuT oKaY :Y
Nothing happened between me and Angelique... :/ She's juSt *A* FriEnD...**
No-oNe,,,* JuSt hAvE FuN aNd sToP StReSsiNg..!!**
Haha ahh yEaH..*
"...They have ruined da world..."
Well if love is boring,,, what's the point..?***
JuSt aS I sAiD,,,*
Haha aWwhh thAnKs hEy,,,* LoVe yOu aLsO =)) kEeP oN bEiNg aWeSoMe (Y)
Whoever said this is ****ed up :/
Ping me
Yeah aT thE pArtY oN FriDaY*
I always have aLaSkA soMewhErE,,,,*
Who's this? And I'm still around,,,*
Dude that's weird :/ , I'm chillaxinG LiKe aLwAyS
WelL tHaNkS aNd stuFf,,,*
"It'S tRuE,,, I LiKe cRaZy"
Haha aLwAyS,,,*
I guess your race is run....*
DunNo whO yOu aRe,,,* if I kNeW thAt I would've knoWn :p
You can't own me...* :/ So noOoOo...**
Well thaT's tRuE hEy,,,* buT thAnKs aNd eNjOy yOuR dAy aLsO♡
NoOo wHo aRe yOu..??* juSt kiDdiNg :p , Naa I'm nOt 100% sUrE, BuT I thiNk yOu'Re kiNdA aWeSoMe**
Retarded song.... :/
HeyYy* I LoVe MySeLf aLsO..!!* (y)
No idea who yoU aRe,,,* buT iT's aWeSoMe I gueSs** xD
PiNg Me...* and I did nothing this time!
Well that's creepy....*
Well... Myself(y)
Who's this...?* and naa I believe in sharing**
Don't worry (: There are many people whom I disLiKe....* but really, no idea who you are :/
Love's over-rated... No-one :D
WTF :/ That's disturbing.. ThAnKs for the warning (y)
Mosses was Mosses, nuff said.
Cause you're manic, that's why.
Err,, No? You pEopLe aRe wEiRd....*
Hmm,,, coffee
Lay off the acid a bit....*
Well I wonder who this could be,,,* Not even gonna respond to that**
Welll thAnKs hEy,, keep oN bEiNg aWeSoMe
MajoritY sAyS,,, nO :/
Awwhh am I supposed to feel bad...?* Go f*** yourself (:
I'd actually dare you to say it to my face, but its clear you're a Pu**y...
ThAt'S soOo geNeRiC,,,* buT no OnE aT tHe MoMeNt...**
PiNg mE aNd I miGhT sAy mOrE**