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Laugh my as* off
A guy at a different school, you probably don't know him.
A whole bunch of people- MONIQUE, BELINDA, CARLIN and JENNY
I AM NOT A canible
A plane flight that goes for 20hrs straight.
Um, idk.
Kik me- awkwardturtlz
Um, something that I'm not gonna put on the Internet.
Ew, god no!
My dog :)
Personality, looks and if I like them. Idk
Idk :/
A guy, no names :)
Yes, it just takes a while cause you kinda got to get them to realise you're not just a friend....
IPhone cause its iphone-ish
Well, first of all, thank you. :) And second of all kik me who you are. If you have kik that is, or you could tell me on here or even come up to me in school.... My kik is AwkwardTurtlz and I'm sure that I probably like you but I do kinda want to know who you are now.
My sisters keeper.
I don't have a boyfriend; I had one but we broke up. I am not a lesbian and people are way to quick to judge. People see other slu*ty girls hugging their friends and even kissing them and they say nothing and when I'm just friends with someone it all like "she's a lesbian!" But I can assure you that I am not a lesbian, nor is Leah and if you leave a comment such as the one above maybe it's you that's the lesbian and can you please tell me who you are so I can set you the f*** straight!!
I don't know!! I hate it because I don't like him and he doesn't like me and its just annoying.
When have I ever said that I'm perfect or Leah's said she's perfect! We both just accept that we are who we are and we won't change for anyone or anything else. We are proud of the fact that we can accept ourselves and I think that if you accepted yourself you'd be prouder too.
As a friend,yes.
If the world doesn't know then I suppose it should stay that way.
I lived there fo 11 years and its effing awesome. It's more creative than Australia and there are more, better animals.
-This answer is left intentionally blank.
Hell yes, because why wouldn't I want tonnes of random me clones running around everywhere, just being crazy and effed up!
Good friend from primary school, but why exactly is that of your concern?
She didn't do anything that she can tell, she isn't a bad person and I dislike her, I do not hate her.
please god no!!
I would but I would split the money with them
A ticket to Paris ;)
So many times :/
Thanks, I suppose and also you're*
Numa numa
Kylie is smart, and awesome and super cool, ice cold, m8
I know it's you Poojaa. And it's too hard to explain
She's awesome and funny as hell, she's way better than a lot of people in my class.
Stuff :)
Saying "pass me the chips" only to have them not givin to me :(
It is called a building because that's what people wanted to call it...
Yes, it s*cks :(
Took you long enough
Block away
She's awesome but a little bit on the distracting side.
No one cause I don\'t wanna..