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Ask me anything you like anonymously

13 Replies

Heyyy, just wanted to let you know, sarahah is more active for anonymous letters xx

Ooh thank you so much! ?? ı guess ill get a sarahah! ?

Ayart96 replied 2560 days ago

This isn't a question but I just want to say to you that you are so helpful and caring for others. You helped me get my inspiration and not give up in my drawings. Thank you ?

Oh my gosh! This is so nice and sweet!! Thank you so much!! İ dont even know what i've done! But if I have helped in anyway I am so glad!! Honestly I have to thank you for being so supportive and lovely!! ??✨

Ayart96 replied 2574 days ago

Do you think you'll ever make a portfolio or zine format of all your art? Landscapes, sketches etc., maybe with some bts and how to explanations? ❤❤

Oh wow this is such a lovely question!! I guess I hope that one day enough people will be interested in my art to do so! Maybe if I can get a bigger support base! It's crazy to think I could do how to explainations as I'm learning myself! ?? But I guess it would be a lovely idea to do one day! I'd eventually like to make prints but we will see if I can have enough people to support me! ?? thanks for the question!!

Ayart96 replied 2599 days ago

Is art your job? :)

No ? I actually don't have a job, I just do art as i enjoy it... maybe someday I can sell prints etc if people would be into that? Thank you for your question!! ?

Ayart96 replied 2614 days ago

What is the biggest way people waste money?


Ayart96 replied 2634 days ago

Which person in your life is your biggest inspiration? And who inspired you to do art?

Is the first question in regards to art? :) who inspired me, hmm I guess I've always been drawing as a child it's just something i've always enjoyed to do! But I've only properly been doing it after a long break for about a year! ? Initially it was something that was helping my mental health... I didn't have Instagram then so I found inspo via Pinterest! Now that I have Instagram I'd say the people who inspire me are all the artists on there! As it's them that got me to do art everyday! All the different artists use and try new things which encourages me to try those things and experiment! Especially if someone has achieved a look I really like! I can't really say it's one person or one very successful artist! It's just the whole art community really!! Also I guess my family initially were very supportive and I used to do mini drawings for them as gifts etc... :)) (my mother is also very creative and did art when she was younger so she always encouraged my artistic side! But so does my dad! So ?) if I answered this wrong just pop in another question and I'll do my best to answer!! Thanks for such a cool question!!

Ayart96 replied 2635 days ago

What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?

13 reasons why

Ayart96 replied 2641 days ago

What made you improve so quickly? ?

Awe thank you so much if you think so! Well I guess I draw pretty much everyday!! And I know people say it all the time, but if you want to get good at anything you've just got to keep doing it!! Don't worry about messing up! I mess up all the time! ? Also trying new things!! I guess using new mediums helped me become more experienced and helped me improve!! I am learning everyday! ?

Ayart96 replied 2641 days ago

From which age u started to draw

Hello!! Well I started drawing when I was little! I used to find it lots of fun!! And I used to enjoy art at school too! But then I stopped doing art for ages!! And I hadn't really drawn in a few years only doodles! Then about exactly a year ago this time 2016 I started drawing again!!! So I have been doing it almost everyday for a year now!! ? Hope this answers your question if not ask away again!! ?

Ayart96 replied 2641 days ago

Are you single?


Ayart96 replied 2642 days ago 1

Why are you, like your art, so byootiful??? ?

Because ı am art! ? I know that spelling of byootiful anywhere! ?

Ayart96 replied 2642 days ago

How did you get into using watercolours? Did you use other media first? If so what did you use before and why did you switch? I'd like to use watercolours but I find them difficult to use- are there any tips and tricks you've learned? Thanks!

Hello! Well I actually started off with using acrylics! Then I was using a ball point pen a lot! I felt as though I had more control using a pen! I guess I also wanted to use more colour and something easier to use when it came to doing backgrounds and clothes etc... which I was able to do with water colours!! Just loosely apply them as backgrounds without it taking the focus away from the piece! I guess I wanted to try it as I saw such cool art on Instagram and so many of them were using it so I thought I could give it a try! I didn't like it at first! I almost stopped using it, but That's because I wasn't used to it and didn't know how to use it well! ? So you've got to keep going and practicing to get the hang of it!! Tricks and tips!! Hmm? ? I guess building up by layers! If I'm painting a face I will always do a base coat, then go over where shadows should be etc once it's dry! So layering is important! But obviously wait for it to dry! You can do lots of experimental effects like making them bleed and adding colour drops of water etc... you just got to keep going!! I'm always experimenting and trying new things!' Sometimes I watch YouTube videos for tips too! If you want to use it then keep using it!! I'm finally getting the hang of it but after lots of practice!! Good luck I hoped this helped! If you need to just drop another message! Thanks for your question! ?

Ayart96 replied 2642 days ago

I love you seahorsey ?
Guess who I am hehe. *biggest fan*
So..: do you plan to do another livestream? Cause the anonymous questioner loved your livestream wink wink. Lol :D

hmm I wonder who this is ?? who remind me of a seahorsey friend?! ?? yes hopefully ı can do another live stream again once I have something low pressure to do on it! ?? thank you for your question!!!

Ayart96 replied 2642 days ago