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23 Replies

Madisons a bi*ch, sl*t who*e

Talking about yourself..

AyeeItsElicia replied 3952 days ago 1

She is a sl*t and b*tch. And idk why you think shes your friend. She talks **** about everyone. That c*nt needs to die. Shes so ****ty and i really hope this guy starts seeing straight and dumos her on her as*

HONESTLY. Shut the **** up. Leave Madison alone I swear to god. st stop being a ****ing bch okay? Hate on me, idgaf just leave her alone!

AyeeItsElicia replied 3965 days ago

I have a heart. Just not for her. Honestly i will make her life a living hell.

Then ill do the same to you -.-

AyeeItsElicia replied 3965 days ago

She needs to lose weight. That fat cow and ugly piece of **** cant keep anyone! Shes such a ****ing ***** to everyone!

Honestly? WHO THE **** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Do you have no heart?? HATE ON ME FOR ALL I CARE JUST LEAVE GER THE HELL ALONE! Jesus Christ. You're honestly acting like a 5 year old :/

AyeeItsElicia replied 3966 days ago

This mystery guy on her is obvi a reatrd that is blind..

Or he actually has eyes unlike you

AyeeItsElicia replied 3966 days ago

Okay ill stop harrassing you. Ill just go in her and write it

How about you don't... I don't care what you say about me, just leave her alone or just quit hiding behind anon

AyeeItsElicia replied 3967 days ago

Honestly shevshould just kill herself and make everyones life easier

Maybe you should stop harrassing people, that would make everyone's life easier .__.

AyeeItsElicia replied 3967 days ago

Beacause she. Is a sl*t and b*tch

SHE IS NONE OF THAT. Just leave her alone. NOW.

AyeeItsElicia replied 3967 days ago

Why do you even want me to stop?

Because she doesn't deserve any of your abuse,and I care about her. Why can't you just leave her alone?

AyeeItsElicia replied 3968 days ago

Fine ill just tell her on her She needs to hear it from someone.

Please Don't. :(

AyeeItsElicia replied 3968 days ago

Ouu you learned some mean words! Good for you! All the boyfeiends she had dumped her because shes crazy. Do the math. She needs to die

Learn to spell. If she dies I would die. So please stop <3

AyeeItsElicia replied 3968 days ago

No i wouldnt. She needs to grow up. She needs to learn how to keep a man. And she needs to stop ****ing complianing about everything.

She's ****ing 14, she doesn't need to know how to "keep a man" so stfu you *****y as* hoe

AyeeItsElicia replied 3968 days ago

Why would i leave her alone? God she cant keep a ****ing boyfriend. Shes a ****ing idiot.

You're the idiot. If I told you to hate on me instead if her, would you? Please just leave her alone!

AyeeItsElicia replied 3968 days ago

oyet never loved her. Madison is not even close to perfect. why do you think she doesn't keep boyfriends because shes a *****!

You're pathetic! Honestly no you're just a flat out *****. Why can't you just leave her alone? Honestly.

AyeeItsElicia replied 3968 days ago

She will never find someone. Because no one loves a sl*t or f*ck up. She is way to ugly to get anyone. Haha

Why the **** are you laughing. You are being such a *****. Quit hiding behind a screen. What if someone was doing this to you? How the **** would you feel. So quit it. Madison's perfect, so just ****ing LEAVE HER ALONE.

AyeeItsElicia replied 3969 days ago