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There's nothing wrong with it,but ur relationship won't last or what u had for each other was just lust
I've got no idea babe...iv got chauffers(taxi drivers)Iv attempted to drive ngidakiwe though and ja....thats all imma say
Kunin ndimlindile lombuza...n0o0o0o
rnzimi has an ugly ***** Lmfa0!<sowi bud>
Maria Ntanga!
Kwaaaaaa Ewe Ewe Ewe,my Tongue kept on getting stuck in there
Andabhindwa...just did lol
Hahahaha oh i know and yeah u know we dzid lmao
Ewe tutsu now answer me tsh
Yoh,no no no no,are you related to me?
I don't have a type...i just can't dzeal nomntu ongenasykolo entloko
Finger **** urself kuloclass ukuyo
Who's Her? <LOST>
Do i look cheap?Perhaps if you talked bout six digits....NO!
I was thinking the same thing just like the current ***** u have
Thot i already answerd that!HAYI,NEE,NO
Question is will i ever stop
Its seldom that i fall inlove but when i do it hits me hard
Lmao uyokhandwa nguChuma
Reveal baby wouldnt let me though
It has to be the lawn in my back yard or bath room at a club *hides*
Zenande who?unxilile
Phuck a Bish
Lol ya'll just being nasty ngok.I've never had 1 and i dont plan on getting one
Hahahaha like really?or ufuna undipha?
I can be one when i want to...SUPER *****
Kwaaaaaaaaaaa,O.B Amber Rose
Rha dawg hahaha...thats like asking when last did i go down on u
Lmao i always do baby not a ****...but ****s
5min ago...My 7year old brother.
Shouldnt there be a third option to pick from?#justwondering
Iv had many...i'll have to count with my teeth aswell
Lmao Zimi!YES aslong as the *ex be good
Never!!!Im well groomed.I respect myself and my familys status
L0L ask yo daddy what i said to him
Not really
Loud,k**ky and a good lover
I started when i took your girlfriend and forced me to have *ex with her.
Uhmmmm nah
Its prolly the good *ex i give haha
That i rape people lol Wtf