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Azra Rajah


There is an infinite number of questions and answers. Free your mind

485 Replies

Why is the worst thing you have done is that you lied to yourself ?

As a person I don't like to contradict myself and by lying to myself I did. I hated that I manipulated my mind to believe/ trust certain people

Azy.thedancer replied 2334 days ago

Laher and you?

What about us?

Azy.thedancer replied 2342 days ago

Woof woof

Meow... Haha I miss you pups.

Azy.thedancer replied 2344 days ago

Seems like your friends phone is also wacked

Sigh o well... I like pancakes and waffles

Azy.thedancer replied 2358 days ago

Y do u prefer a relationship now ?

It's okay if I catch feels

Azy.thedancer replied 2360 days ago

Wat duz he cook 4 u n duz hs gf knw bwt thse thngs ?

Creme Brûlée, chicken pot pie, pasta.

Not sure I think she does I don't know his gf very well

Azy.thedancer replied 2360 days ago

Wat kinda music do u lyk ?

House, EDM and RnB

Azy.thedancer replied 2360 days ago

Wu all has cooked for u ?

Almost every friend that I've visited

Azy.thedancer replied 2360 days ago

Y does he cook 4 u ? If he hs a gf nd ur jst a 4rnd ?

Why can't he? We both enjoy food and cooking so when we prepare something new or think is interesting we will share

If we chill and feel to eat a certain food either of us are good at preparing why not?

It's like asking why can't you visit a friend to play FIFA cause either has a partner?

What is wrong with cooking for someone?

Azy.thedancer replied 2360 days ago

Which are you into, Hookups or Relationships, and which do you prefer?

They are both complicated each has its cons. I prefer an inbetween but think im more for a relationship now

Azy.thedancer replied 2361 days ago

Na ddnt sy enithng ws wrng wth it bt y go 2 cook at gys hses tht hs gfs thrs nthing wrng wth it thou bt y ?

Cause we are friends. He likes cooking too and cooks for me

Azy.thedancer replied 2361 days ago

I've Googled Blue Waffles plenty of times, and each time it found waffles which is blue in color

Friends phones showed same thing mine did

Azy.thedancer replied 2362 days ago

Sounds like your Google is wacked if it's picking up STD's when searching for Blue Waffles

Lol google and tell me what shows on yours

Azy.thedancer replied 2362 days ago

So ur syng u dd nt go 2 a gys hse 2 cook tht hs a gf ?

O that I do. A lot of my guy friends have gfs but we are always at each others houses cooking, gaming, exchanging series or even just smoking Okka pipe. The way your question is coming across sound as if you were implying I had other ideas or thoughts or did something wrong, which I did not.

Azy.thedancer replied 2362 days ago

Between Blue Waffles and Cream Pies, which do you prefer, and Why?

Okay so I did not know what a Blue Waffle is.Never heard of that in PE, so Google said its and STD. So I'm really lost

Azy.thedancer replied 2362 days ago